The Russian Figure Skating Federation wants to submit an expanded application for neutral status for the Olympic qualifiers – top 5 from the Nationals
The Russian Figure Skating Federation plans to send several names to the (ISU) for neutral status accreditation.
original source: RSport

The Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) wants to send an extended application for admission to the Olympic qualifiers to the ISU. This was reported by “R-Sport” citing its own sources. Here’s a translation.
The International Skating Union (ISU) has allowed Russian skaters to participate in the qualifiers for the 2026 Olympics in Milan. In February, the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) must send a list of participants for the qualification competition, which will take place in September in Beijing, – one skater/pair in each discipline plus one alternate in each discipline.
“R-Sport” reports that the list from FFKKR may include the top five performers from the last Russian Nationals in each discipline.
This arrangement does not contradict the ISU’s criteria for neutral status, as it will eventually form the final list of participants for the qualification competition, consisting of one primary participant and one alternate. If the qualification is successful, one Russian skater/pair in each discipline will be able to compete at the 2026 Olympics.
Related topics: Olympic Games
Even if they don’t accept this, they still have several skaters going, in neural status. No use complaining.
This is so wrong! Until war on Ukraine is stoped, no russians should be allowed to compete!