“The war is still ongoing, and there’s still a doping scandal in Russian figure skating. Personally, I cannot sincerely say that everything is fine, let’s skate together again.” Deniss Vasiljevs about the ban of Russian athletes

Posted on 2024-01-10 • 5 comments


Translation of the Deniss Vasiljevs’ comments regarding the ban of Russian athletes.

original source: jauns.lv dd. 10th January 2024

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Here’s a translation of Deniss Vasiljevs’ comments made in an interview to the “Sporta Avīze” magazine and posted on jauns.lv.

“In my opinion, this is not a good time, and the decision is hasty,” Vasiljevs responded in an interview to a question about the International Olympic Committee’s decision to allow Russian athletes to participate in this year’s Paris Olympics. “The war is still ongoing, and there is still a doping scandal in Russian figure skating. Personally, I cannot sincerely say that everything is fine, let’s skate together again. However, I believe it will be necessary when the political situation normalizes. I agree with this idea, but I completely disagree with the chosen time. For now, they don’t need to come back, but over time, it will need to be allowed.”

“There is no such thing as a neutral state,” Vasiljevs expressed the opinion that Russian athletes competing under a neutral flag are meaningless because everyone still knows they are Russian athletes. “I would understand if these athletes were expelled from their country or suffered in it, but no, only one country competes under a neutral flag. So, stop pretending and give them their flag.”

However, the figure skater acknowledged that many people he knows in Russia are opposed to the war. “I hope that after the country calms down, normal people will come out and show the side that is currently disappearing from the world of sports. I hope that those athletes who demonstrated support for the Russian state’s policy did not do so because they really wanted to.”


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5 Responses to ““The war is still ongoing, and there’s still a doping scandal in Russian figure skating. Personally, I cannot sincerely say that everything is fine, let’s skate together again.” Deniss Vasiljevs about the ban of Russian athletes”

  1. No war says:

    It’s insane to place responsibility for the war on the Russian athletes. Angela Merkel and other European leaders are much more guilty (by dealing with Mr Putin and making him reacher and stronger). ‘Western’ leaders knew very well who Mr Putin was/and still is.

  2. Gene says:

    So are you saying a coup d Etta did not occur in Ukraine in 2010 and that the US did not instigate and finance it, like it has done in so many other countries around the world—such as in the Middle East? Are you saying that the Russian speaking population in Ukraine were not being harassed and murdered by the new, US supported regime in Ukraine? Corruption in government is not a novelty in Ukraine. It occurs Elsewhere in other countries as well—like in the US and Israel. The accepted practice is to wait until the next national election and vote the leader out of office, not to have a violent insurrection.

    • FS Gossips says:

      “Are you saying that the Russian speaking population in Ukraine were not being harassed and murdered by the new, US supported regime in Ukraine?” people in Ukraine still speak Russian and have no problem with that! But more and more people start speak Ukrainian and not because someone made them but simply because they don’t want to have anything in common with russian invaders. Come to Ukraine and see for yourself.

  3. Gene says:

    Many more Russians support their country’s action then do not. The US instigated this war in 2008 and 2010, the latter date the beginning of a violent insurrection it instigated and financed—a coup—that caused the then legitimately elected President of Ukraine to flee for his life. But that was apparently forgotten by the IOC and all of you. The present, US supported government In Ukraine were killing the Russian speaking population. The ultimate goal of the US was the eventual overthrow of the Russian government, which they have failed to accomplish.

    The US runs the countries in the west and organizations like the ISU and the IOC. The parallels with the war and the subsequent actions by the IOC and its vassal, the ISU, are undeniable. Remember the US sprinter Marion Jones who won multiple gold medals at the 2000 summer olympics. She never failed a drug test. It was only years latter that her use of performance enhancing drugs was divulged at a grand jury hearing. Of course she was a US athlete not Russian. The IOC managed to cover up the test of the US athlete at the 2000 Olympics while making a spectacle of a young Russian athlete at the most recent Olympics, months after the test was supposedly taken, just after competing in the team event. Of course it was never once mentioned that she passed subsequent tests at Europeans and the Olympics itself. Climb off of your high horse.

    • FS Gossips says:

      I won’t go into political dispute about US and its politics, but one thing I can tell you for sure: “The US instigated this war in 2008 and 2010, the latter date the beginning of a violent insurrection it instigated and financed—a coup—that caused the then legitimately elected President of Ukraine to flee for his life.” this is completely false. Corruption and stealing a lot of money is what caused the people’s anger about the president in the first place – try to google Mezhyhirya Residence for example.

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