Great Costumes from Alexa Scimeca & Chris Knierim

US pair Alexa Scimeca & Chris Knierim for their free program chose the music from Elizabeth the Golden Age. It was [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Torun | ice dance

The waltz gives plenty of variations for the costumes. Different silhouettes, color pallets, length of the skirt, [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Torun | ladies
Here are mine fashion results of the ladies short program at ISU JGP in Poland. Some we have already seen but [...]
Chock and Bates “What was that?” or “Take it off immediately”

Congratulations to all the fans of figure skating! The season 2015-2016 starts now! I know that some b-events have been [...]
Anna Pogorilaya “What was that?” or “Take it off immediately”

Anna Pogorilaya is a girl of extreme beauty. With such exterior she can be a movie star! That is why I extremely [...]
Inspired by Frida

At the Russian test skates Elena Ilinykh and Ruslan Zhiganshin performed their free dance for the first time. They [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Linz | free dance

Juniors have shown some great stuff. So, here's my fashion ranking for the free dance in Linz. Hannah Grace Cook and [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Linz | ladies free program
So, let's see who was the most fashionable in the free program. Chiara Calderone (Italy) I like the noble shade [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Linz | ladies short program
Unfortunately ladies in Linz haven't impressed me a lot. Here Are some dresses that i liked: Bradie Tennell [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Linz | short dance

In terms of costumes ice dance is my favorite discipline of figure skating. Because in ice dance we can see all variety [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Colorado Springs | ladies free program
Here my fashion top after the ladies free program at ISU JGP in Colorado Springs. Lea Johanna Dastich [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Colorado Springs | short dance
From ice dancers I always expect the most interesting costumes and usually they don't disappoint me. So, who was the [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Colorado Springs | ladies short program
Here is my chart of best dresses from third ISU junior grand prix. So, who was the most stylish among ladies? I want [...]
Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitri Soloviev are ready to come back

Eventually we can take a look at Russian dancers. Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitri Soloviev showed their free dance to [...]
Figure skating babies: expecting a baby
This offseason can be called "offseason of weddings". So many figure skaters got married this summer! But new families [...]
Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier’s future costumes?

I really liked the free dance of Canadian duo Piper Gilles Paul Poirier and can't wait to see it on competition [...]
Best dresses from JGP in Riga | ladies

Here is my fashion results after the ladies free program at JGP in Riga. What can I say, there were less interesting [...]
Best dresses from JGP in Riga | Ice dance

Best dresses from short dance at JGP in Riga. Who was the most stylish among ice dancers? Emily Day and Kevin Leahy [...]
Best dresses from JGP in Riga
My favorite dresses from ladies short program at JGP in Riga. Cassandra Perotin (France) Nice dress for a young [...]
10 things that can spoil the look in figure skating

The offseason have almost ended and first go out (especially for juniors) is soon. I think it's time to talk about the [...]
Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov got married

Today Olympic champions Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov got married! See some photos. The weather is [...]
Maria Stavitskaya and Anton Shibnev

This year Russia has another new ice dancing team. Maria Stavitskaya who represented Russia in singles teamed up with [...]
Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier new lifts
Canadian duo Piper Gilles and Poirier will show their new dances during Summer Skate 2015 in Ontario (August 15-16). [...]
The Wedding Inspiration

A lot of figure skating weddings happened this summer. Today laura Lepisto shared in instagram one more photo of her [...]