Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: “Figure skating has rejuvenated. There is no point in introducing an age minimum – we will stop the progress.”
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva told about restoring quad jump after coronavirus and shared her opinion about the rivalry with yesterday’s juniors and the age minimum.

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: For me it is still difficult to start performing the quadruple jump after the break, being not in the most optimal shape. Apparently, because I skate for so long, my body has developed its own movements, and when I want to do something new, it says to me: “No, why?” So I have to work both on the body and on the mindset.
After having a coronavirus, I have recently begun to re-establish a quadruple jump, but so far it’s not ready enough to put it into the program. The recovery was slow. At the Russian Nationals, I skated not on my optimal shape. It was one of the hardest competitions of my career. I think that I have completely recovered from my illness only recently, when I again felt my power and energy.
source: matchtv.ru
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: I am one of the few skaters who continue their career at this age. It seems to me that when I go on the ice and skate, my artistry and interesting programs give me confidence that everything is not in vain. I will skate as long as my body allows.
Figure skating has generally rejuvenated now. Many skaters begin to jump complex combinations and even quadruple jumps at the age of 12. Our sport has progressed a lot. Therefore, there is no point in introducing an age minimum – we will stop the progress. Yes, it’s harder to stay in figure skating longer. I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I was shocked by this figure when I thought about it. But figure skating is worth continuing to skate.
What is it like not being a favorite to win at competitions? It is not easy. But even if you are not a favorite, but claiming for prizes, this is already quite good, actually. Especially considering the current level of figure skating. When you come to competitions as a favorite it is a very cool feeling. I’m just glad that I had a season when I experienced these feelings. It was inspiring. You believe that you will perform well and go on the ice with your eyes burning bright.
source: matchtv.ru
Related topics: Elizaveta Tuktamysheva
An age minimum is important and the basic condition for the future in this sport. I will Ladies see at Lady-scating. Lisa, you won with 15- and no more now. Why? You fight against small Youngsters with better physical requirements. It is ridiciulous and you know that. With an age minimum,you know it exactly: wou could/w o u l d win a gold (or silver) medal exact in ihis year – WC 2021- again with your abilities (that nobody has at your age thank to your coach!)Only participate and becoming the 4th/5th cannot be all! It could have been a great end of your career! This would be fair and just. But so: This sport is degenrated to a throw-away-society. Hop an top! No more interesting for me and many other fans. And I don’t like to see, how do you lose important competitions agein and again. And by the way your face often tells a lot- that’s why: Don’t tell such a nonsense about no need of an age minimum. This is exact the most necessairy thing, what we need urgently.
Bravo Elizaveta!