Skate Canada 2016: Party in White

Posted on 2016-10-31 • 4 comments


White color was extremely popular at Skate Canada 2016. It for sure can be called the color of the event.

Especially popular white was among girls. We saw 5! white dresses with hair accessories during ladies event and one in pairs.  Girls started to dream about their future wedding dresses?)

White is a tricky color for clothes, but for a figure skating costume is even more trickier. You always have a risk to add yourself a couple of kilos and to blend into the background of the ice. Let’s see how skaters at Skate Canada coped with this white task)

Joshi Helgesson has started the white trend already in short program:

Joshi Helgesson

I’ve already discussed this dress here.

All others saved their white gowns for the free skate) In the free program it all started with Yuka Nagai:

Yuka Nagai

This dress definitely reminds me of wedding dresses) A classic A-line silhouette wedding dress with a straight across neckline.

Then Mirai Nagasu followed the white-color trend:

Mirai Nagasu

This dress looks not so much as a wedding dress. I see some classical Brad Griffies’ designs here. But I still can classify it as sheath silhouette wedding dress with a sweetheart neckline)

Rika Hongo

Rika Hongp

I like the asymmetric cut and golden finishing. I also appriciate a prolonged skirt, it’s a bit untypical for single skating but fits the antic style of the dress. But I think it was a mistake for Rika to open her back – it dragged attention to her problems with posture.

Japanese girls prefers white dresses and hair accessories) Satoko Miyahara also chose white dress for her Star Wars program:

Satoko Miyahara

I also see some antic notes in this dress. The drapery, fibules on the shoulders. And it’s definitely was my favorite hair accessory!

Luba Iliushechkina also supported the white trend, but added some black hatches:

Luba Iliushechkina

I don’t know why, but this dress reminds me of Sasha Cohen’s dress for Malaguena. I think it’s because of the ruffles on the skirt. And yes, such scoop neckline suits only to such tiny girls with fragile shoulders.

Yuzuru Hanyu was brave enough to join the white company:

Yuzuru Hanyu

And let’s not forget about Takahito Mura and Misha Ge, who chose white for at least one part of their costumes.

Black and white combination from Mura:

Takahito Mura

Yeah I’d gladly remove all this ruffles and fringe)

Misha Ge choose white and gold combination, same as Rika Hongo:

Misha Ge

Let me know what was your favorite white costume from this event. What do you think about white color for the ice?


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4 Responses to “Skate Canada 2016: Party in White”

  1. Crabe93 says:

    I like white dresses with “dégradé” (don’t know the exact word) Especially those with shades of blue or grey. I also think that simple shining white dresses with a lot of sequins can look amazing, but maybe more under gala’s lights. The dress from Ashley Wagner’s Moulin Rouge was amazing.
    The white dresses from skate Canada were very nice but weren’t really memorable for me. However it’s good to have changes from the habitual and classic colours :)
    Thank you for your article!!

    • Stolbova Obsessed says:

      I really liked Ashley’s Moulin Rouge dresses, they were inspired by the film so they were very very classy.

    • FS Gossips says:

      I liked Ashley’s Moulim Rouge dress, but still I prefered the red one)
      Almost all white dresses I want to move under the spotlights. All white dresses and Gracie’s beige)

  2. Stolbova Obsessed says:

    Usually I don’t like white, it blends into the ice. But Mirai Nagasu looked like a beautiful bride, and Satoko was also stunning.

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