Top-10 best costumes in pairs. Season 2018-2019

Annual fashion review, today I'm gonna discuss pairs' costumes. Unfortunately there weren't many pairs this [...]
Grand Prix Final 2018. Fashion results: ladies
I think we had enough time to discuss the results of the Grand Prix Final and now we finally can talk about fashion. So [...]
Take it off immediately. Pairs. Season 2017-2018

Welcome to the annual anti-ranking of costumes. Fortunately, not many duos deсided to shock us with their super [...]
Top-10 best costumes in pairs. Season 2017-2018

It's time for my annual fashion review and I'm gonna start with pairs. Main trends of the season: - men in black - [...]
US Nationals 2018 fashion review: ladies free program
Costumes from ladies' short program I've discussed here: US Nationals 2018 fashion review: ladies short program Now [...]
US Nationals 2018 fashion review: ladies short program

I realized that it's been a while since my last costumes review. I think US Nationals it's a perfect opportunity to get [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2017. Ladies
I just realised that I haven't discussed junior fashion for a while. So let's take a look at ladies from JGP Cup of [...]
Take it off immediately. Ladies. Season 2016-2017

As I said before girls did really well this season! I mean in terms of costumes. There were a lot of beautiful dresses, [...]
Top-10 best costumes. Ladies season 2016-2017

The final part of my annual fashion review dedicated to beautiful ladies. Ladies were the only who really pleased me [...]
Take it off immediately. Men. Season 2016-2017

As usual, ranking of best costumes is followed by annual anti-ranking. No, I couldn't just pass by) The parade of [...]
Top-10 best costumes. Men season 2016-2017

We continue to discuss fashion. Today we will talk about men. As always, someone's costumes will be called good, [...]
Take it off immediately. Pairs. Season 2016-2017

Welcome to the annual anti-ranking of costumes. Let's see what pairs have prepared to "surprise" us. Let's start [...]
Top-10 best costumes in pairs. Season 2016-2107

What's the perfect thing to do on vacations? Right, to read about fashion. So let's continue to discuss figure [...]
Take it off immediately. Ice dance. Season 2016-2017

Annual review of best costumes is usually followed by the review of costumes that surprised me, made speechless and [...]
Top-10 best costumes in ice dance. Season 2016-2017

Summer it's a perfect time to discuss fashion. So take something refreshing (a glass of wine for example) and let's [...]
Are you ready for latina?

How many times this season I've heard "I don't like this short dance!", "Why did they choose hip-hop?" and so on and so [...]
Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje: costume review 2016-2017 season

Watching Four Continents Championships I suddenly realized that I haven't discussed Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje's [...]
US Nationals 2017 fashion review: ladies short program

Today's fashion minute is dedicated to ladies short program at US National Championships 2017. In this section of my [...]
US Nationals 2017 fashion review: pairs short program

Yesterday's night I spent watching US Nationals and some practices from Canadian Nationals, so now I'm a mess, I want a [...]
Trend of the 2016-2017 season: Ash-rose dress

While we have a minute of rest before big events like US, Canadian Nationals and European Championships, I'd like to [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: pairs free program fashion review

I continue discussing figure skating fashion and today it's pairs turn. I've already discussed costumes from the [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: men’s free program fashion review

Now figure skating world is in a calm before the storm - Russian and Japanese Nationals A perfect time to discuss some [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: ladies free program fashion review

Fashion minute) I continue to discuss costumes from Grand-prix Final, ladies' free program is next. Fashion results [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: short dance fashion review

Ice dance as always for the dessert) So, who was the most stylish and fashionable in the short dance? Oh somehow [...]