“It’s unfair, uncultured, and dishonorable. The Olympic Committee should treat everyone equally, especially us.” Tatiana Tarasova on IOC decision not to invite Russian athletes to the medal awarding ceremony
Tatiana Tarasova on IOC decision not to invite Russian athletes to the medal awarding ceremony.
original source: Sport-Express

Tatiana Tarasova commented on the IOC’s decision not to invite Russian skaters to the medal ceremony for the team figure skating event at the 2022 Winter Olympics. The ceremony took place on August 7th in Paris. The US team was awarded gold medals, and the Japanese received silver. Russian skaters were supposed to receive bronze. Here’s a translation of Tarasova’s comment.
“The IOC should not act this way. It’s unfair, uncultured, and dishonorable. The IOC should not show who it loves and who it does not. The Olympic Committee should treat everyone equally, especially us. Because for decades we have glorified figure skating, paved new paths for its development, and our athletes and coaches were ahead of the entire planet. Therefore, the IOC should have a memory. If they don’t have a memory, then it is not the IOC,” Tarasova told.
Related topics: Olympic Games, Tatiana Tarasova
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