The issue of admission of Russian skaters will not be discussed at the ISU conference this March
Posted on 2023-03-01 • 1 comment
The issue of admission of Russian athletes will not be discussed at the ISU conference.

source: TASS
Earlier, R-Sport reported that representatives of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKR) intend to bring this issue up for discussion.
Director General of the FFKR Alexander Kogan denied this information.
“The admission of Russians skaterts to international competitions? The conference agenda has been formed. It doesn’t have such question,” Kogan said.
The ISU conference will be held in March ahead of the World Figure Skating Championships in Saitama, Japan.
Related topics: Alexander Kogan, ISU
Let’s face reality, none of the pairs on the world podium in 2023 should be there. How can you even hold the world championships without the best in the world there? Its better to cancel the event altogether rather than devalue the title “World Champion” by allowing 4th place pairs to win! As for the ladies Sakamoto would be competing for bronze at best. Luckily ice dance and mens were probably unaffected by the ban.
Sports should always be unifying, always neutral. There is no place in sport for politics of geopolitical conflict. How much say did British people have over the war in Iraq in the 2000s? How many millions of us were out in the street trying to pressurise the Blair to stop – did it work? No!@. Trying to punish Russian people in order to coerce them into challenging government policy is absolutely punitive and unfair! Keep politics out of sport!