Alena Kostornaia: “I was offended when they interviewed me and Tutberidze on Channel One. The questions themselves forced me to say that I was wrong leaving the group of Tutberidze.”

Posted on 2022-11-21 • 1 comment


Interview with Alena Kostornaia. About 2020 Worlds canceled due to covid, leaving Tutberidze’s group and coming back, Plushenko, Byanova and dream of becoming a doctor.

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source: Youtube channel Bez Wodi

About World Championships 2020 which was canceled due to coronavirus

What would you choose: five landed quads or Olympic gold?

Alena Kostornaia: Healthy limbs.

Can someone repeat the record of Sasha Trusova?

Alena Kostornaia: Maybe, but I don’t know who. Maybe no one will repeat it.

After the victorious European Championship, you had to go to the World Championship in the status of the main favorite. But the pandemic and the combination of circumstances literally broke your career on the rise.

Alena Kostornaia: It’s not like it’s broken. I had back problems. Before the European Championships, I did not train well. I skated on previously worked baggage. Further it would be difficult. Then I was treated, the Worlds was canceled. I thought it wasn’t bad.

Do you really think so or are you trying to reassure yourself?

Alena Kostornaia: No, I really think so. Why go on the ice without elements?

Why? You won Europeans.

Alena Kostornaia: It was necessary to improve the program, and I sat at home and treated my back.

And what about the back?

Alena Kostornaia: So many injuries and diagnoses that were serious at first and then aggravated.

About leaving Tutberidze’s group

In August 2020, you left Tutberidze. How did you tell her that?

Alena Kostornaia: I spoke to her twice. Once I was turned away from the checkpoint in Novogorsk, saying that I did not have a pass. I was 16 years old. Everyone thought that I would change my mind – but no. Our apartment was being renovated, my mother and I lived in the same room, but when she wasn’t there, I called Eteri Georgievna and said that I wanted to work differently. Five minutes later, a post appeared on my social networks. Mom called and asked: “What is this?” I replied that I left the group. It became easier.

Then there was a claim that you make big demands, refuse to train with other athletes.

Alena Kostornaia: We had a group. And they added small athletes to us, but they interfere. Each has its own corridor. But due to the fact that small athletes got in there with their falls, the entire flow was disrupted. We don’t have three people on the ice to let everyone through. And while you’re skating circles, you freeze. You forget the skill, you become sluggish. And they yell at you to skate.

Was you the only one in this situation? No one else skated with the younger ones?

Alena Kostornaia: I’m not used to this. I didn’t like the fact that we had not six people on the ice, but twelve. This is traumatic. No one listened to me, so I left for other conditions.

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About not staying in Plushenko’s group after leaving Tutberidze

How did the transition to Evgeni Plushenko’s group take place?

Alena Kostornaia: I went there for coach Rozanov. The triple axel worked and we had a connection with him. He coached me, supported me, nothing special. I switched because with him I learned the element that took me to the top. I thought I had to do it again. There was progress, but then there were injuries that were getting worse.

After returning to Tutberidze, many experts wrote that you lost your jumps, lost your shape due to improper preparation.

Alena Kostornaia: I had a lot of injuries. And the older you get, the more difficult they are to bear. They created all the conditions – they gave both doctors and exercise therapy. They did everything for me. Everything would be fine if not for my old injuries.

Why didn’t you stay there then?

Alena Kostornaia: Because I thought that it was unrealistic to get together in a year. Maybe Tutberidze would have done it. But, as practice has shown, the questions were primarily for me, and not for the coaches.

Plushenko, Tutberidze, Buyanova. Describe each of them in three words.

Alena Kostornaia: Plushenko – charisma, energy, willpower. Tutberidze – grace, rigor, getting the result by any possible means. Buyanova – honesty, support, the ability to direct in the right direction.

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About coming back to Eteri Tutberidze

When you returned, did you feel ashamed?

Alena Kostornaia: I was a little offended when they interviewed me and Tutberidze on Channel One. The questions themselves forced me to say that I was wrong.

Was it the interview where Eteri Tutberidze said that her daughter Diana persuaded her to take you back.

Alena Kostornaia: Yes. We often talked with Diana. Not now, because they have a different time zone, a lot of training. At one point we were constantly in touch. Diana believed in me at some point. I’m very grateful to her that she talked to her mom.

The conditions were like this: triple axel and stop arguing with the coaches. I had to get over my pride. When I realized that I couldn’t get into the national team, I decided to part. And the arm (injury – ed.) made it possible.

The second time Tutberidze herself told you that.

Alena Kostornaia: Yes, she said that we wouldn’t succeed. They did not want to adjust to me, and I did not want to adjust to them.

What did you feel then?

Alena Kostornaia: When my arm hurt, I told my mother that I would quickly leave. It was necessary to always have a backup plan, I wanted to go to Buyanova. Mom asked why not to Mishin. But Mishin has Liza, this is St. Petersburg, I didn’t want to go there. I wouldn’t be able to train there.

About Elizaveta Tuktamysheva and quads

Liza Tuktamysheva is preparing quadruple jumps. Are you going to make them?

Alena Kostornaia: Liza and I have good natural data. We are small. This body will remain with us, we will not suddenly grow. The main thing is not to gain excess weight. It’s easy for Liza. The body allows to do this, the main thing is that there is a desire.

And yet about the quadruples.

Alena Kostornaia: Depends on how the body behaves. I can’t make any predictions.

Liza Tuktamysheva is 26 years old and she is still skating.

Alena Kostornaia: I don’t understand what drives her. But, of course, she loves figure skating. Plus it’s a good income.

But she is still fighting for medals and skating for the national team.

Alena Kostornaia: I respect her for that. I respect her very much.

About the biggest meanness of her career

What is the biggest meanness you have faced in sport?

Alena Kostornaia: Once we caught during the weigh-in, and everyone blamed on me. Because of this, I skated a free program three times in a row.

Who in the world of figure skating will you never shake hands with?

Alena Kostornaia: I do not know. There are no such disgusting people. I am such a person that even if someone did something bad to me, I will still help him.

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About candid photoshoots

Following the example of Tuktamysheva or Medvedeva, would you be ready to star in a candid photo shoot?

Alena Kostornaia: No, my upbringing won’t let me do that.

But if you were strongly persuaded, offered a lot of money, then how much would you agree to be naked?

Alena Kostornaia: Shorts and top, probably

About a dream to become a doctor after sports career

You said that you want to work as a journalist, TV host, but what about your dream of neurosurgery?

Alena Kostornaia: It will not be possible to combine sports and neurosurgery. And besides, the priorities have changed towards plastic surgery.

Why did you dream of becoming a doctor? Because you liked chemistry and biology at school?

Alena Kostornaia: As a child, I watched the TV series Grey’s Anatomy, House M.D. I liked them. Now I’m watching Sklifosovsky.

But being a doctor takes a very long time to study.

Alena Kostornaia: As soon as I finish my sports career, I will go to medical school.

But if you, like Tuktamysheva, will skate until you are 26, what about your studies?

Alena Kostornaia: And doctors under 30 are generally not allowed to the operating table. Even if I’m very mature, I can still go to study.


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One response to “Alena Kostornaia: “I was offended when they interviewed me and Tutberidze on Channel One. The questions themselves forced me to say that I was wrong leaving the group of Tutberidze.””

  1. Jacko Man says:

    I always thought there are asshole producers in Channel One. Soap opera producers on the side. Like when the camera zoomed in on ET after Aliona and Alexandra skates.
    But I dont think this is a smart move by Aliona, to criticize the sole broadcaster when she still plans to compete.

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