“It’s called being the first guy in the village. World Championships is a competition of the best of the best. This one cannot be called that” Averbukh and Mozer about the results in pair skating

Posted on 2022-03-26 • 4 comments


Nina Mozer and Ilia Averbukh about the results of the World Championships 2022 in pair skating.

photo ctnews.ru

Nina Mozer: Yesterday I watched pair skating competitions. Unfortunately, the current event cannot provide serious food for thought and analysis.

After the Olympics, the athletes are exhausted, some did not come at all.

This is a very difficult championships, for a variety of reasons. It just needed to be held: this is important for those skaters who purposefully prepared for it.

source: Betonmobile

Americans Alexa Knierim and Brandon Frazier won gold. Russian and Chinese figure skaters did not compete. “No Russia? No China? No problem,” journalist Christine Brennan wrote after the end of the competitions.

Ilia Averbukh: It’s called being the first guy in the village. And the World Championships is a competition of the best of the best. Unfortunately, this World Championships cannot be called that.

Let’s hope that soon the best of the best will be at the World Championships. And it’s not worth paying attention to journalists. It doesn’t make any sense.

source: sport-express.ru


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4 Responses to ““It’s called being the first guy in the village. World Championships is a competition of the best of the best. This one cannot be called that” Averbukh and Mozer about the results in pair skating”

  1. J says:

    He is arrogant especially for someone who only earned medals because he was Russian- he and Lobacheva were a mediocre team. He’s just a has-been.

  2. J says:

    I always found him to be arrogant. He had no business even medaling in the worlds and Olympics. They only did because he and Lobacheva are Russian. Pathetic man!

  3. Joanie says:

    Such an arrogant statement. I feel so sorry for you. PEACE.

  4. Jonathon says:

    They aren’t wrong. Alexa Knierim and Brandon Frazier aren’t to blame. They did their job but this World Title has a major asterisk next to it.

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