Daniil Gleikhengauz and Alexander Kogan didn’t fly to Beijing with the team, their tests for covid are still positive
The Russian Figure Skating Federation stated that Daniil Gleikhengauz and Alexander Kogan would arrive at the Olympics with the team on February 1. According to RBC Sport sources, they will go to Beijing when they pass negative tests for COVID-19.

source: sportrbc.ru
Choreographer Daniil Gleikhengauz and General Director of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Alexander Kogan did not fly to Beijing for the Olympic Games with the team after being tested positive for coronavirus. This was reported to RBC Sport by a source in the FFKKR and an interlocutor in the Ministry of Sports.
A source in the FFKKR said that Kogan and Gleikhengauz are tested for COVID every day, but so far the results are positive. The interlocutor in the Ministry of Sports confirmed this information. Both sources said that planes with athletes, coaches and representatives of the federations arrived in Beijing from Moscow and Krasnoyarsk today. But Gleikhengauz and Kogan were not on any of the flights.
No other flights to Beijing from cities where athletes train are planned today. This is proven by the data of the online scoreboard of the Beijing airport.
RBC Sport sources specify that Kogan and Gleikhengauz will fly to Beijing as soon as their tests for COVID-19 show a negative result.
RBC Sport asked Gleikhengauz to comment. Kogan refused to answer questions. FFKKR press officer Olga Ermolina said that she flew separately from the team: “We flew separately from the team. Just landed two hours ago. I can’t confirm or deny yet.”
On Saturday, January 29, RBC Sport reported that Gleikhengauz and Kogan were tested positive for coronavirus. Later, Kogan told Match TV that everything was fine with the team, adding that no one is immune from false positive tests. “We should [fly with the team to the Olympics]. Everyone takes tests on a daily basis and, unfortunately, no one is safe even from false positive, as well as false negative, tests,” he said.
The press officer of the FFKKR, in turn, argued that everything was fine in the national team. “Both Kogan and Gleikhengauz are fine. On February 1, everyone should fly to the Olympic Games.”
Related topics: Daniil Gleichengauz, Olympic Games
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