Alexei Mishin: “There are athletes who, despite all their talents, fail to reach the top in the medal standings. It’s often said that sport gave them the audience, the love of the audience.”

Posted on 2021-12-28 • 1 comment


Alexei Mishin about Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s non-inclusion in the Russian national team for the European Championships and performance at the Russian Nationals.

photo by Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s Instagram


Alexei Mishin: There are athletes who, despite all their talents, fail to reach the top in the medal standings. It’s often said that sport gave them the audience, the love of the audience.

I think this statement of wise people who have lived in figure skating all their lives largely refers to Liza Tuktamysheva. But besides this great love, she has gold medals of the World Championships, Europe and Russia.

Mishin also spoke about the results of the Russian Nationals.

Alexei Mishin: I don’t comment on the performances of single skaters whom I don’t coach, because that would not be entirely correct. I want to avoid rash phrases.

As for my skaters, I can say that the performances at the Russian Nationals were neither good nor a failure. It makes sense to talk about them in more detail after the European Championships.


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One response to “Alexei Mishin: “There are athletes who, despite all their talents, fail to reach the top in the medal standings. It’s often said that sport gave them the audience, the love of the audience.””

  1. Jacko Man says:

    Europeans will most likely be held in a bubble without spectators and Beijing only allows local spectators. I’m sure will not be more than 25% capacity. Tuktik’s FP engagement with the crowd only works when there is a crowd to engage with. Otherwise, components-wise, her programs are inferior to Tutberidze’s girls(Valieva and Shcherbakova). IMO, Trusova’s FP also relies heavily on the cheer of the spectators. Since it’s more action oriented skate.

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