Ondrej Nepela Memorial: ladies short review [+video]

Posted on 2016-09-30 • 4 comments


Last evening I was fighting with streaming from Bratislava, it was almost impossible to see what girls did and what they didn’t. So, I think it’s better to re-watch)

Julia Lipnitskaya – 63.16 (32,92+30,24)

I’ve already discuss this program, right after Russian test skates. Lovely program that shows that Julia turned into a beautiful young woman. Not everything was good with tech, judges saw under rotations on 3t in combination and 3f, the flip also got a ‘e’ for wrong edge. But still I think it was a good beginning of the season for Julia. But I’m more worried for the free program.

And let’s take a closer look at Julia’s dress. Turned out it’s brown, not black)

Julia Lipnitskaya

Julia Lipnitskaya

I really like the dress. Everything as I like – simple cut, sleeves and moderate amount of decoration) Julia looks so slim in this dress, and open back with tiny crossed strips make her waist even thiner. I don’t know why, but this dress reminds me of Yuna Kim’s dresses, and it’s definately a big compliment.

Maria Sotskova 61.58 (32.74+28.84)


Nice program, and I do see some improvements in speed and her skating skills. But I still have a feeling that this program was created for Adelina. I can see Adelina skating some parts of this program) Yes, both girls has beautiful long lines, but unfortunately Maria doesn’t have Adelina’s powerful skating, which would have perfectly fitted into this choreo. So, I think Maris deserves something more unique that will highlight her strengths.

Interesting dress, but I have a mixed feeling about it. I like the color and cut, but I think it’s a bit too much applique on the bodice. I think I’ll need to get used to it)

Maria Sotskova

Ji Hyun BYUN 57.76 (31.16+26.6)


Lovely program for a young girl. Solid performance, I think she and her coach can be satisfied with such beginning of the season.

I’ve already discussed this dress last season, when she was in juniors: Best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb | ladies short program

Alena Leonova 56.84 (29.16+28.68)


I don’t understand this program, I don’t understand this costume and hair style. I don’t understand why Alena is trying to look younger than she is, instead of showing mature feminine skating! Classic Alena – great 3t-3t, fall on a flip(

Alena Leonova

video by icebergup youtube channel

photos by Mikhail Sharov (@mihail_sharov)



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4 Responses to “Ondrej Nepela Memorial: ladies short review [+video]”

  1. Olga says:

    What are your thoughts about Angelina Kuchvalska?She’s 10th after SP,not very successive,but I liked her programm,some interesting music.

    • FS Gossips says:

      She can afford to be not in her best shape this early in the season, because she has no inner competition and no matter what she’ll go to European Championships) Lovely sp but I wish she used an original version of this song or at least with French lyrics. And I liked the dress))

      • Olga says:

        Thank you for your opinion.I hope Angelina has her own competition with herself and she will improve during this season.

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