Artem Kovalev: “Why little girls are given such difficult elements. For what? To become a champion in jumps in Russia? Maybe it’s better to protect them?”
Translation of Artem Kovalev’s comments about junior girls jumping quads.
original source: Okko Sport

Single skater Artem Kovalev has spoken out about junior girls performing ultra-c jumps.
“Why kill little girls? I understand that they are thin, small, and it’s not as hard for them to jump as it is for adult girls. But their bodies are not yet strong, not fully formed. Their knees, ankles, and hip joints are still developing.
When there is a huge load of quad – euler – quad (I tried and understand what it is) – it is difficult. I don’t quite understand why they are given such difficult elements. For what? To become a champion in jumps in Russia?
Maybe it’s better to protect the girls? Maybe when the girls grow up, everything will open up, and they will be able to go to international competitions?
Now it turns out that they are being put at risk (and any quadruple jump is a risk of failure and the risk of injury).
Why injure a child at a young age, when you can protect them a little? I hope we will be allowed to participate in international competitions (so that they can get there). So that they can compete at the Russian Nationals to qualify to international competitions. To me, this is more logical,” Kovalev said.
Related topics: Artem Kovalev
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