“They have done worse to themselves, there will be no interest in figure skating without our athletes.” Russian functionaries and coaches commented on ISU decision not to allow Russian skaters to compete at the ISU events.
Russian figure skating functionaries and coaches commented on ISU decision not to allow Russian skaters to compete at the ISU events.

General Director of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Alexander Kogan: We regret about the decision of the ISU. We believe and have always believed that sport is outside of politics, that it is one of the basic principles of the Olympic movement, so it’s a pity.
This is obviously a discriminatory decision on the basis of belonging to any country. We will do everything for our athletes and coaches so that they have the opportunity to train and compete.
source: tass.ru
Honorary President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Valentin Piseev: I am outraged. They have done worse to themselves, there will be no interest in figure skating without Russian athletes.
Ugly decision. This will not contribute to the development of world figure skating and holding World Championships at the level it should be, the interest in competitions will obviously disappear.
The Championships will no longer be the same as it always was when our Russian athletes.
source: Metaratings
Alexander Zhulin: It’s a big blow to all of us. So far, the situation is dire. I read about football, hockey, figure skating. There seems to be no end to this.
Everyone should understand one thing: there is, for example, a dance pair Sinitsina and Katsalapov. If the judges agree to remove them, no matter how they skate, they will remove them. Exactly the same thing is happening now.
They just agreed, they do not see the main thing, they consume the information they want. How long can this go on?
We will tighten our belts, we will go on vacation to Sosnovy Bor, we will train for the championships in Syzran, we will make it much stronger.
We will strive to bring the Russian Nationals to the level of the world teams. It will be more interesting to watch Trusova, Valieva and Shcherbakova than all figure skating without Russian skaters.
source: championat.com
Ilia Averbukh: Of course, it’s very sad. We want to support our guys. This generation has had a hard time. They had to miss so many competitions, and now there is a ban.
Now more than ever they need words of support. I wish them all strength and resilience to get through this.
It remains only to hope that the passions will subside and the world will become the world again.
source: sport24.ru
Tatiana Navka: We all saw what happened at the Olympics. Now, I think, everyone will be happy that there will be no Russian skaters at the World Championships.
I am very sorry that all this is happening: I feel sorry for the athletes, children who are innocent and have no relation to all the politics.
Of course, this is an overshoot. To be honest, I don’t even have words. I really want to believe that this nightmare will end soon.
source: championat.com, sport-express.ru
Evgeni Plushenko: I can’t keep silent. As an athlete and any sane person, I share the position that sport is out of politics. But in reality we do not see this: on Monday, FIFA and UEFA excluded our teams from all competitions after the IOC called to suspend our athletes in all sports!
Today, the International Skating Union banned Russians from participating in competitions under its auspices. This is a big mistake!
You can’t mix sports with politics, you can’t punish athletes and deprive them of the right to perform and compete, as they do now. This is discrimination and a direct violation of the rights of athletes.
Our skaters proved that they are the strongest in the world. Interest in figure skating will not be the same without our athletes. The sanctions that are applied to the representatives of Russia in sports are inadequate and politicized.
If our athletes do not participate in international competitions, victories will be depreciated, because the strongest in many sports will stay at home. More recently, the IOC changed the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, approved back in 1894.
Now it sounds: “Faster, higher, stronger, together.” Is it just words? Now they want to isolate Russia from world sports, which means that the Olympic values are a thing of the past.
Everyone wants peace, and I want it! I really hope that everything will end as soon as possible, and the negotiations will bear fruit. I believe our president!
I am not a politician, I am an athlete and my goal is to unite people through the love of sport, overcoming political differences. I’m sure we can all make it!”
source: Instagram
Related topics: Alexander Gorshkov, Alexander Zhulin, Evgeni Plushenko, Ilia Averbukh, Tatiana Navka
Using heart medications to increase blood flow is definitely a doping violation. Russians are using these drugs to build muscles without the pain. Cheaters stop taking these drugs in enough time so they will not test positive at major competitions. Muscles have been built up by an illegal method. These cheaters should be banned for doping violations. Not allowing Russian skaters to compete will leave the competition on a level playing field the way the rules dictate it should be. These competitions will be enhanced with cheaters banned. I have no interest in applauding Russian cheaters.
US should stop invading other countries (I’m a Canadian)
Did you know that just last week usa bombed Somalia, Israel bombed Damasco and Saudi Arabia bombed multiple times Yemen? Did you know that people died because of it? Do you think there´s a diference because cnn doesn´t show it? Now that you know, i wanna see you demand that the athletes of those countries distance themselves from their murderous goverments and withraw from competitions. Other wise, you are either not smart enough to see what s really going on, or you are just a plain hypocrite.
You cry for your russian skaters, nobody of you cryed for Ukraine people bleeding becouse of russian invasion. OMG your skaters missed few competition, Ukraines are loosing their lifes now! Shame of you and let’s take a pic with your friend Putin again as many times before.
The Russian functionnaries and coaches show a complete indifference and ignorance, and so an indulgence for the atrocities the country they are representing with pride is doing to their neighbours. Russia must pay for it, become condemned and banned from the entire civilised world, and the Russian athletes, coached and officials invited by Putin and receiving congratulations from Putin, must be a part of it.
The Russian functionnaries and coaches show a complete indifference and ignorance, and so an indulgence for the atrocities the country they are representing with pride is doing to their neighbours. Russia must pay for it, become condemned and banned from the entire civilised world, and the Russian athletes, coached and officials invited by Putin and receiving congratulations from Putin, must be a part of it. Shame on Russia! Also for not acknowledging a reason for this ban! I am a figure skating fan myself, but I am devastated and horrified for the genocide in Ukraine, bombarding civilians, using lethal weapons – do they really ignore all this and think the world can go on nonetheless?
Fuck the cheater and murderer russians!
Bullshit decision. Without the Russian athletes it’s a 2nd rate championship.
Ukrainians are being murdered by madman Putin and outrage is because sanctions and disallowing state-sponsored athletes to compete? These ‘important’ people should use voices and influence to protest illegal invasion their government does in their names with this war on a country that is no threat. Yes, individual Russian athletes are not to blame but sport and politics are always mixed and rest of world must do everything possible to stop this madness.
Maybye they can let them compete under neutral flag, without any Russian symbol or anthem? I support inocent athletes, but at the same time that Russian invasion must be must be condemned and stoped. Ukrainian athletes are dying for their country nowdays, sport world must react.
Maybe it is sad for the athletes, but they also compite in name of their contry… this is the reason. Also, we admire the clean effort from ALL ahletes not just rusian athletes. To think that some athletes are over the sport is their mistake; people will enjoy the clean play from every athlete… people will enjoy their effort, skills and art.
US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and yet they still host Winter Olympics and their football team compete at Japan-Korea World Cup in 2002.
… and this is the excuse that mr. Zhulin and co didn‘t say anything about the tragedy which happens in Europa?
BTW — now is the time to distance from the Russian government and to set an official statement!!
the same world in which american and israeli athletes were allowed to compete while their goverments were bombing other countries. justice shoul be equal. if in that case politics and sports werent mixed, they shouldnt be now
wow i am speechless! yes, it’s a shame that russian skaters are not allowed to compete in the world championships. but… some athletes of ukraine may lose their lives because russia instigated a war! can someone please think about it in russia?! in which world does mr. zhulin and co live!?