Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: men’s short program

I think it's a bit unfair that we usually pay lots of attention to ladies costumes and do not care too much about men's [...]
Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: pairs short program

It's really difficult to create good costumes for pair skaters. Due to the technical difficulty of pair elements you [...]
Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: ladies short program

I have already discussed junior's costumes, so now is the time to discuss and give the fashion medals for senior [...]
Junior Grand-prix Final. Costume review: ladies free program

Here is my fashion rankings of the junior ladies free program at Junior Grand-prix Final in Barcelona. №6 Polina [...]
Junior Grand-prix. Costumes review: free dance

We know the winners at the Junior Grand-prix in Barcelona but who will will the fashion medals? See my trandy [...]
Junior Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: ladies short program

My fashion results of the ladies short program at Junior Grand-prix Final in Barcelona. №6 Polina [...]
Junior Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: short dance
Here is my fashion results of the short dance at Junior Grand-prix Final 2015 in Barcelona. №6 Anastasia Skoptcova - [...]
Hubbell and Donohue’s costumes for the free dance

We haven't got an opportunity to see Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue free dance at Trophee Eric Bompard, but there [...]
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s new dress review

Good news: Elizaveta Tuktamysheva has a new dress for her short program. Bad news: it's a disaster) It's good [...]
Julia Lipnitskaia new dress for short program

Russian Julia Lipnitskaia changed her dress for short program. Her previous dress fit style of the epoch and was [...]
Old dress. To wear or not to wear
Sometimes we see that a figure skater uses her old dress. So, is it ok to use your old dress or not? Can it spoil the [...]
Best costumes at Cup of China 2015

The third GP event have brought some unexpected results in terms of placement, but let's discuss the fashion results. [...]
Best costumes at Skate America 2015
Costumes always have played an important part in figure skating. It can help you to make an impression, to build the [...]
Best costumes at Skate Canada 2015

Skaters at Skate Canada quite impressed me with their costumes. Some of them have good chances to get into my annual [...]
Best dress of the event | Skate America 2015

While men at Skate America was shoking me with the creativity of some their costumes ladies were really good. But to [...]
“What was that?” or “Take it off immediately” | Takahito Mura

Last season Takahito Mura's costumes were one of the best. He has never been a fan of too creative designs. So, what [...]
Kim Yuna | Fendi Collaboration
Followed by the charity projects in London and Tokyo, FENDI's PEEKABOO Project moves to Seoul. Three iconic women [...]
Elena Ilinykh & Ruslan Zhiganshin costumes for the free dance
Today starts the first ISU senior b event in Russia - Mordovian Ornament in Saransk. One of the main intrigue of this [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb |free dance

Free dance is my favorite figure skating discipline in terms of costumes. Because the fantasy of skaters and their [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb | ladies free program

A lot of girls were well dressed for the free program at ISU JGP in Zagreb, so I want to mention them in my list of the [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb |short dance
Here is my list of best costumes for the short dance (waltz) at ISU JGP in Zagreb. Someone we have already seen, but [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb | ladies short program
I was a bit busy watching Finlandia Trophy this weekend's and only now have a time to watch some juniors. So, that is [...]
Shoma Uno “What was that?” or “Take it off immediately”

Talking about figure skating costumes I need to say that to sew a good costume for male skater is more difficult than [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Logrono | ladies

Here're my list of best costumes from junior ladies competition at ISU JGP in Logrono. See who was the most [...]