Russian ladies about their performances in the short program

Posted on 2017-03-29 • 1 comment


Russian ladies commented on their performances in the short program at World Championships 2017.

Maria Sotskova 6th after the SP:

There was excitement, but it wasn’t different from what I felt before other competitions. World Championships differes from Europen Championships only in name and how people make an excitement around it, saying that it’s the most important competiton of the season, to which you have been preparing all your life. Everything else is the same.

At the World Championships I planned to show clean performances and finish this season well, to be pleased with myself. I do not think about the place. The main thing is to enjoy performance and to show emotions. Today I was not very good at it, I will try to have more freedom in the free program.

by Artem Kuznetsov

Anna Pogorilaya 4th after the short program:

It’s hard for me to judge. What marks were putted were putted. I have no right to complain. I think that I skated well, cleanly and confidently. But there is always a room for growth.

Evgenia Medvedeva 1st after the short program:

Sometimes it’s more important to overcome yourself. I started to do tano jumps  just recently. I thought that I would go to the World Championships without complications, I didn’t have a special task to jump that way. At first it was unstable.

I never think about marks, I realized that jumping with two hands up will give a small bonus. As always, I didn’t have a goal to break the World Record.

She also was asked about quad sal and triple axel.

If we talk about quadruple salchow, then I’m interested in trying it, but I have not gone into it yet, it’s not the main goal. The Triple Axel? Yes, with three hands up. I do not think that I will do the triple axel. Salchow is more comfortable for me.


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One response to “Russian ladies about their performances in the short program”

  1. carmina says:

    Anna was nearly in tears after short program, she didn’t like her scores…

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