Dmitri Aliev and Alisa Fedichkina got engaged?

Maybe it's just a photo, or maybe it means something. Dmitri Aliev and Alisa Fedichkina have been dating for a [...]
Evgeni Rukavitsin about his junior skaters

Translation of an interview with Evgeni Rukavitsin about his junior skaters Dmitri Aliev and Alisa Fedichkina. E.R: [...]
Interview with Maria Sotskova

Short interview with 2016 World Junior Championships silver medalist Maria Sotskova, who due to injuries of Tsurskaya [...]
World Junior Championships. Costume review: ladies short program

45 girls performed their short programs at World Junior Championships in Debrecen! But unfortunately it wasn't too [...]
Junior Russian Championships 2016. Ladies free [video]

The results of Russian National Junior Championships 2016 among ladies. It really was a tough competition! But no [...]
Junior Russian Championships 2016. Ladies short [video]

While all the eyes are on US and Canadian National Championships it's a time for Junior National Championships in [...]
Interview with Alisa Fedichkina and Dmitri Aliev

Both this junior skaters are talented and promising athletes, they got to Junior Grand-prix Final and showed some good [...]
Junior Grand-prix Final. Costume review: ladies free program

Here is my fashion rankings of the junior ladies free program at Junior Grand-prix Final in Barcelona. №6 Polina [...]
Junior Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: ladies short program

My fashion results of the ladies short program at Junior Grand-prix Final in Barcelona. №6 Polina [...]
ISU JGP Riga 2015 highlights
What was interesting at second JGP in Riga? See my highlights of the event. Another Russian newcomer Alisa [...]
Best dresses from JGP in Riga
My favorite dresses from ladies short program at JGP in Riga. Cassandra Perotin (France) Nice dress for a young [...]
ISU JGP Riga Cup 2015 preview
Second isu grand prix for juniors starts soon. Thank to the ISU we have great opportunity to watch the event live in [...]