Best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb | ladies short program

Posted on 2015-10-12 • No comments yet


I was a bit busy watching Finlandia Trophy this weekend’s and only now have a time to watch some juniors. So, that is my list of best dresses from ISU JGP in Zagreb.

Sara Casella (Italy)

Sara Casella

I think it’s a nice dress, that looks good in a motion but still not so distractive. Especially I like the top part. It simple but elegant, and I like the semi-transparent sleeves, they help to highlight the work of arms. Such sleeves also make the arms look more accurate. I like that they added some brightness into this dress, but I wish they had chosen another shade for that.

Marin Honda (Japan)

Marin HondaIt’s nice girlish dress totally age appropriate. The skirt looks wonderful in motion. The colors are also great chosen and suit her a lot.

Phoebe Wang (Singapore)

Phoebe WangI really like this asymmetrical sleeveless dress! Again, simple but beautiful. Vinous is one of the best colors for ice (in my opinion), always look good and expensive even without lots of decorations.

Mihaela Stimac Rojtinic (Coratia)

Mihaela Stimac RojtinicI always like when skaters try something different for their costumes, not just another pretty dress. And I absolutely loved this imitation of a short skirt with sky blue shirt! Great choice for such program! Very well done and nice combination of colors. But why a red accessory in hair?

Ji Hyun Byun (Korea)

Ji Hyun ByunThis dress is just stunning in motion and on from a distance. Unfortunately not so good If you will take a closer looks, the applique could be done more accurate. But I like the idea and selected combination of colors. And the back is just marvelous!

See who was the most stylish among junior ladies at ISU JGP in Logrono

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