Irina Rodnina: “The ISU has decided that they will admit our juniors. It has not yet been specified when, where, and under what conditions, but the decision has already been made because the audience finds it rather dull without the Russians.”

Irina Rodnina about the possible return of Russian figure skaters to international competitions. original source: [...]
“They are just worse off without us.” Irina Rodnina told that the ISU Council has admitted Russian juniors to international competitions

The ISU Council has admitted Russian juniors to international competitions. original source: MatchTV photo RIA [...]
Ted Barton: Be honest, be kind, be respectful – this is our approach

Interview with Ted Barton at the Russian Junior Nationals. About quad jumps in ladies' short program, Eteri Tutberidze [...]
Kamila Valieva plans to jump quad in her free program

13 year-old Kamila Valieva, a promising Russian figure skater from Eteri Tutberidze's group tells about her planns to [...]
Alena Kostornaia: You work because you need it. This is your task, your goal, coaches can only help you
Translation of video interview with Alena Kostornaia after Russian junior test skates. video by Olga E Alena, [...]
Alexandra Trusova: I want to do something that no one has done before
Translation of the video interview with Alexandra Trusova after junior test skates. video by Olga E Sasha, [...]
Russian junior test skates. Ladies [+video]

Thanks to people who was able to get to the Russian junior test skates in Novogorsk we have some video. I thought it [...]
Daniil Gleichengauz: I feel like a big dad or even a big mom who has so many children

Tatjana Flade's interview with Daniil Gleichengauz (young and handsome coach from Tutrberidze's group :) ) About the [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP Cup of Austria 2017. Ladies
I just realised that I haven't discussed junior fashion for a while. So let's take a look at ladies from JGP Cup of [...]
Alla Loboda & Pavel Drozd: dances for season 2016-2017

Leaders of Russian junior ice dances Alla Loboda and Pavel Drozd competed at local competition, so we can take a look [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP Czech Skate | ladies short program

I continue to analyze costumes at junior grand prix. This week we have JGP in Ostrava, so here's my list of best [...]
Mishina & Mirzoev showed new programs

Russian junior pair Anastasia Mishina / Vladislav Mirzoev showed their new programs for season 2016-2017 at the local [...]
Best costumes from ISU JGP St. Gervais | free dance

Here's my list of best costumes from the free dance at JGP in St.Gervais. Eliana GROPMAN / Ian SOMERVILLE [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP St. Gervais | ladies free program

Here's my fashion results of the ladies free program at JGP in St.Gervais. Alina ZAGITOVA (Russia) Nice [...]
Best costumes from ISU JGP St. Gervais | short dance

Honestly, I'm not impressed with costumes for the short dance( So, I guess it'll be a season of white shirts with [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP St. Gervais | ladies short program

Congratulations! We've survived the off season. First junior grand-prix started yesterday and I can't wait to share [...]
Pavel Slusarenko about Ekaterina Borisova & Dmitry Sopot

Pavel Slusarenko, a coach from Valentina Tukova's group told how junior pair Ekaterina Borisova / Dmitry Sopot prepared [...]
Ludmila Velikova about Mishina & Mirzoev

Ludmila Velikova told about Anastasia Mishina / Vladislav Mirzoev's preparation for the upcoming seson and new [...]
Maxim Trankov about his coaching experience

At Russian junior test skates in Novogorsk Maksim Trankov was in unusual for him role - as a coach. Anticipating the [...]
Interview with Tatiana Mishina

Russian test skates for juniors are still on going in Novogorsk, so on the site of Russian figure skating federation [...]
Evgeni Rukavitsin about his junior skaters

Translation of an interview with Evgeni Rukavitsin about his junior skaters Dmitri Aliev and Alisa Fedichkina. E.R: [...]
Ekaterina Volobueva: Loboda / Drozd have two different dances

Translation of an interview with Ekaterina Volobueva (secon coach in Ksenia Rumyantseva's group). I translated the part [...]
Russian junior test skates | photos

Thank to photographer Mikhail Sharov, we can take a first look on Russian junior ice dancers at their test skates in [...]
Elena Kustarova about junior team Scoptsova / Aleshin

Elena Kustarova told about her junior team Anastasia Scoptsova / Kirill Aleshin, their new programs and explained, why [...]