Alexander Enbert: “Loena Hendrickx lost her trust in Russian skaters, and it certainly happened to many. Not only did Valieva suffer very badly, but the reputation of Russian sports also suffered.”

Posted on 2022-12-12 • 2 comments


2018 Olympic silver medalist in team event, Alexander Enbert, who performed in pair skating, said that he understood the nature of the Belgian Luna Hendrickx’s statement about Russian figure skaters.

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source: MatchTV

Earlier in an interview with, Hendrickx said, “Russian figure skaters are very strong. However, when questions about the fairness of some of their results arose, the thought “Would they be so much stronger than the rest of the skaters if they played by the rules?” also arose. Many people now have such doubts.”

Of course, a wave of hate from Russian “specialists” started toward Loeana, including Alexei Yagudin and Tatiana Tarasova, who spoke, “Why do I need to hear some Belgian skater? She’s no one.” (Sport 24 citing Yagudin). So it’s nice to see that not all Russian skaters think the same.

Alexander Enbert: This situation (the doping case of Kamila Valieva) could help not but affect the general atmosphere. The athlete is associated with the country, so after such incidents, trust in their compatriots may also disappear. Loena Hendrickx lost her trust, and it certainly happened to many. But it didn’t happen to everyone. This, of course, is a big pain. Not only did Kamila suffer very badly, but the reputation of Russian sports also suffered.

I hope the situation will be resolved as soon as possible in our favor. Then such statements will become inappropriate and will cease to bring confusion to the world of figure skating. I know how hard everyone is working in training to learn new elements, so it’s unpleasant to hear that. But again, we should have expected that.


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2 Responses to “Alexander Enbert: “Loena Hendrickx lost her trust in Russian skaters, and it certainly happened to many. Not only did Valieva suffer very badly, but the reputation of Russian sports also suffered.””

  1. Nat says:

    The sooner the better. But even then, Russians will protect her, and say thats it’s wester conspiration. This is just how they are

  2. Simone says:

    The situation won’t be resolved “to your favor”. Camilla will be disqualified, her medals taken away. It’s just the matter of time

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