Ilia Averbukh: “Who is to blame for Valieva’s doping? I won’t comment on it. I’m absolutely sure of her innocence, as well as the innocence of Eteri Tutberidze.”

Posted on 2022-03-26 • 1 comment


Ilia Averbukh about Olympics and doping case of Kamila Valieva.

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source: youtube channel “Nachalo”. text version

Ilia Averbukh: I think we did well. Not great. We took the medals that we were supposed to take, and did not take the medals that we could have taken if we had been in over our heads.

All the guys did great, everyone tried, competed, but there is gold. I did not win gold, I took second place – no matter how much I argued, I did not win. Sport is a clear criteria.

In theory, we could fight and win in a very difficult fight against very strong competitiors. For example in men’s skating, we a priori could not fight. As for other disciplines, there we could have fought for gold.

About Anna Shcherbakova’s victory

Ilia Averbukh: Probably, there’s also such a higher justice that the absolutely talented Anechka Shcherbakova, who went through a very difficult path, won the Olympics. A real Olympic path. And it was very important, this is a very big justice.

And I want to talk about her as an Olympic champion. She is a very talented girl, with a very rich soul: she speaks very well, she’s well brought up, in a very good family. I was sincerely happy for her, for her performance.

Sasha Trusova also did very well – she showed a record. She is a very focused girl who stood up for herself.

Speaking in numbers, then, of course, all three places should have been occupied by our girls. It’s force majeure that Kamila (Valieva) finished fourth.

About Valieva’s doping case

Ilia Averbukh: There was a dramatic situation in women’s skating.

Who is to blame for Valieva’s doping? I won’t comment on it for sure. Let the authorities deal with it. The only thing, I’m sure, that Kamila in a conscious way could not take some kind of drug that would give such a story.

I am absolutely sure of her innocence, as well as the innocence of Eteri Tutberidze. These two people are absolutely innocent.

What happened around there, how it happened – needs to be investigated. And do not throw words like “you are also all asthmatics there”, but figure it out inside. What happened, how did it happen? Had a tough investigation. For the sake of Kamila.


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One response to “Ilia Averbukh: “Who is to blame for Valieva’s doping? I won’t comment on it. I’m absolutely sure of her innocence, as well as the innocence of Eteri Tutberidze.””

  1. Julie S. says:

    Ilia sounds like a fool saying Kamila and Eteri are absolutely innocent BUT there needs to be an investigation to find out who is responsible. Of course this needs to be investigated! No one will know for sure until a thorough, objective investigation is performed. Until then, all speculation and GUESSING/HOPING is off the table.

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