Anna Shcherbakova: “It’s hard to say how would I feel if there was no drama. I wasn’t ready to rejoice. I wasn’t upset, didn’t hesitate to rejoice, emotions just ended.”

Posted on 2022-02-18 • 4 comments


Beijing 2022 Olympic champion Anna Shcherbakova shared her emotions after the awards ceremony following the results of the individual competitions.

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Anna Shcherbakova: The medal is very heavy. The heavier thing in life? Definitely!

I went to bed at nine in the morning, slept for a couple of hours. I feel fine. There is no awareness yet. No any unnecessary thoughts. I managed to be alone, but there were no thoughts in my head – emptiness and joy. I don’t know when they will appear.

I want to see my family and friends first. They called, texted and worried, spent more nerves than I did. I want to thank them for the worries during the competitions and throughout my entire career.

What did Eteri Georgievna say? I saw her before the award ceremony. I thanked her, she congratulated me.

It’s hard to say how would I feel if there was no drama. I wasn’t ready to rejoice myself. It’s like all emotions are gone. I was not upset, did not hesitate to rejoice, emotions just ended. I just lost them.

World Championships? There is a desire (to perform there). I don’t even feel like the competitions are over now. There is no feeling of the work done. Let it be so for now. Tomorrow we will have exhibitions reharsal, I need to recall my program. The last time I skated it was at the European Championships. I will not think about new titles. I should continue to work.

Did Zagitova “passed” the title of Olympic champion? We didn’t meet personally, but she texted me and supported me during the Games. It’s nice. We communicate well. Was Nathan Chen supportive? We’re not that close with Nathan, but I saw him before the warm-up. Maybe that gave me strength. We were taking the same bus.


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4 Responses to “Anna Shcherbakova: “It’s hard to say how would I feel if there was no drama. I wasn’t ready to rejoice. I wasn’t upset, didn’t hesitate to rejoice, emotions just ended.””

  1. Hi Anna,
    I am sending congratulations from your fans in USA! You are a beautiful young lady and have so much talent and you have many gifts from God! Thank you so much for your beautiful artistry and also being nice

  2. Veronica says:

    You are beautiful Annie! God bless you and keep you! Stay strong, well deserved Gold Medal!

  3. Renate says:

    Yes, congratulation. Very well scated. A deserved Olympic champion.

  4. Peter says:

    Congratulations Anna. U R 2 much. What a wonderful, incredible skater u r and have been. Your loveliness shines forth brilliantly as you skate superbly. U r an absolute delight to watch. U r so talented and work so hard, a true role model for young women around the world.
    The best is yet to come as you follow your heart in all you do. God bless you, Anna.

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