RUSADA initiated an investigation against Valieva’s staff after a positive doping test for a figure skater

Posted on 2022-02-11 • 4 comments


photo RIA Novosti


The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has initiated an investigation against Kamila Valieva’s staff.

Earlier it became known that Valieva’s doping test, taken on December 25 at the Russian Championship in St. Petersburg, gave a positive result for the banned drug trimetazidine.

Valieva trains in the group of the Honored Coach of Russia Eteri Tutberidze, choreographer Daniil Gleikhengauz and coach Sergey Dudakov work with her.

source MatchTV

Information about the result of the analysis of the athlete’s sample was received by RAA RUSADA on February 07, 2022. According to the data sent by the laboratory to RAA RUSADA, the reason for the delays in testing and reporting by the laboratory was another wave of COVID-19, an increase of covid cases among the staff.

Due to the fact that the athlete is a minor, RAA RUSADA initiated an investigation into the athlete’s staff. The purpose of this investigation is to identify all the circumstances of a possible anti-doping rule violation in the interests of a “protected person”


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4 Responses to “RUSADA initiated an investigation against Valieva’s staff after a positive doping test for a figure skater”

  1. Olga P says:

    Renate, chill. Clearly in the case of a 15-year-old athlete nobody is blaming Kamila personally. But you don’t need to be hysterical like that. No need to bring other people and tribalism into this especially Tuktamysheva who admitted she took meldonium, the same kind of medicine, right before it was banned, same year she completed in over a dozen events and won worlds and was a teenager. So Mishin was also giving heart drugs to his student ok? This is a system these girls are in, it’s not exactly one person, not even the evil witch Eteri doing things unfortunately. It is bigger than her or even just this one sport. Wake up.

  2. Carolina says:

    An inestigation….by RUSADA. I can tell the result now: Noone knows about doping…noone did doping. But it is extremely difficult to secure a guilty because in such cases everyone work secretely and carefully.RUSADA has the opinion, a girl with Doping can start- what do you want? Medals with a big big blemish. My beloved Russia, what a shame.

  3. gandolfo says:

    Nothing has been proved for you to talk like that! and given the presaure some northamerican country exerts on the olympic comitee , you should at least be cautious before condemning any skater. The thing is, those brillant girls don´t need doping to beat all others. But others need them to be dicredited, shadowed by doping acusations, whith disrupted schedules and focus in orther to have a chance.

  4. Renate says:

    When I see this women….it begins to rain. It is unbeleavable. Children of 15 want to scate with women…ok…but when there is a problem, a crime, than lawyer fight for loopholes. Then the normal right cannot be taken because – now they are children, worthy of protection. Kamila is not to blame, but this caoching staff, this team docter (involved in similar cases)is simply awful. They harm the children. And they did know exactly – this is for sure- that this medicament is doping- or heart desease. These are no fools! I miss Liza Tuktamyshewa, a honest scater with an honest coach-Mishin. Tutberidze was against her and cultivates doping. She knew: the drugs will do the trick. What a tragedy. What a damage for the Russian FS. I have no more pleasure to see these 3 girls scate- everyone must ask: Have they – or have they not.. Of course they have- a little more careful. It is a pity, that only Chinese are there: no applause for this coaching team. These 3 medals will have a big blemish. Noone will now beleave in any Russian Figure scating. But I’m sure. this is for Tutb. and her team and perhaps for the girls too not a problem. It doesn’t matter for them. My goodness, how disgusting for each honest scater. And- Kamila hve had no need of this.

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