“They took away her second place, apparently, they really needed this one point!” Yana Rudkovskaya about changes in the protocols of Sofia Muravieva

Posted on 2021-12-25 • 4 comments


Sofia Muravieva who represents Angels of Plushenko Academy and was second after the short program at the Russian Nationals got a point of deduction for the late start. Changes in the protocols were made two hours later. Russian figure skater Anna Shcherbakova, after calculating points, became the second in the short program.

Evgeni Plushenko refused to talk to reporters about the performance of Sofia Muravieva.

“Evgeni Viktorovich, will you ask questions?” – joked one of the journalists.

“I am not commenting on anything. And I don’t even ask questions. I am not commenting on anything now. Only after the Russian Nationals” – said Plushenko.

While Evgeni Plushenko decided not to comment his wife Yana Rudkovskaya couldn’t stay silent.

Yana Rudkovskaya: The protest was filed by Mr. Aksenov from Khrustalny (Eduard Aksenov – deputy head of the Khrustalny department of the Sambo-70 Sports and Education Center), this information is from the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

We found out about it only two hours after the end of the competitions, as probably everyone else! At the press conference, Sonia was introduced as a girl who took a well-deserved second place.

Sofia doesn’t qualify for the Olympic Games, since she does not pass the age minimum, otherwise probably, we would have fought for this point. Our lawyers consider it illegal, so to speak, both in terms of time and in other aspects.

We all need to carefully study the article of the rules – 18.4 after the competitions. The lawyers were determined to win this point back, but Evgeni and our team of coaches decided not to pay attention to it, out of respect for the organizers and the federation.

Today I would like to wish all the girls good luck. And our Sonia and Nastya (Zinina), they are debutants, we will cheer for them.

source: sport-express.ru

Yana also poste on Instagram

“Sonya did great! They took away her second place, apparently, they really needed this one point! “


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4 Responses to ““They took away her second place, apparently, they really needed this one point!” Yana Rudkovskaya about changes in the protocols of Sofia Muravieva”

  1. carolina says:

    Such a swamp, corruption and betrayal- I’ve never seen before. Disgusting, to vomit. I also cannot trust Russia’s politics anymore. No I can beleave, it will be probably the same. I was always a Fan of Russia. This is over. With such awful methods, betrayals I do not want to be touched.
    Otherwise I feel myself dirty.

  2. Frenchie says:

    The 1 point deduction was relevant to Schcherbakova and her team: they wanted 1 more skater between her and Tuktamysheva as a buffer. Skating 7 minutes later already means slightly more generous judges. It also “looks” better for her to be 2nd rather than 3rd after the SP.

  3. Jacko Man says:

    There were Olympic medals stripped and swapped after many years of unnoticed violations. Two hours is nothing. If Crystal have proof of a violation of rule(s), then she needs to give a counter proof. As simple as that.

  4. John Abreu says:

    As seen from outside, Russian Nationals competitions are like a war … a war with rules. Ms Rudkovskaya has the right to protest as any human being. What bothers me is the lebel of toxicity.
    On another topic, Muratieva did a good job. However, at the end the deduction proved to be irrelevant: Muratieva finished 6Th behind Samodelkina and Petrosian by three points, and nine points behind the third pace Anna Schernakova.

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