Yulia Lipnitskaya joined Evgeni Plushenko’s academy as a coach

Posted on 2020-12-12 • 3 comments


Sochi Olympics gold medalist in the team event Yulia Lipnitskaya joined Evgeni Plushenko’s academy as a coach.

Evgeni Plushenko: I’m very glad that Yulia Lipnitskaya has joined my “Angels of Plushenko” team! Yulia is not only my great friend, but also a great professional.

Welcome to our family, Yulia! Now we have 3 Olympic champions in our team – it’s a power.

source: plushenkoofficial Instagram

Some coaches and specialista have already commented on the news ;)

Tatiana Tarasova: I’m very happy for Yulia that she can work as a coach. I’m sure she will work well. I wish her a happy coaching life, interesting and creative.

It’s too early to say what exactly she will be able to teach her students, we’ll see it over time.

source: tass.ru

Ilia Averbukh: I wish Yulia good luck in her coaching career. Perhaps it would have been more logical to try to start something of her own.

On the other hand, Elena Ilinykh works at this school, together with Yulia they held master classes, so she comes with some experience.

Perhaps the quantity of coaches who work there now will turn into quality.

source: tass.ru

and a comment from Yulia’s former coach Alexei Urmanov

Alexei Urmanov: Everyone has the right to choose what to do, perhaps Yulia received a good offer, this is a usual story, why not? Everything is developing for Evgeni, he’s moving forward, and for Yulia this is probably good.

I think both I and our coaching staff are worthy of praise in this case, and I will explain why: when Yulia came to train with us, she was like an distrustful kitten. Not that she was angry – she is a good girl, but she was very closed, but then, as one of the parents of our group told me, she thawed out, turned from the Snow Queen into a normal person.

If she had not changed in this way before our eyes, I would have said now that I do not know how she will get along with children. But now it seems to me that she will get along with children very well. Plus, not so long ago, she herself became a mother, this will definitely has a positive effect.

I know a lot of people who skated and then switched to coaching. But only life puts everything in its place, including showing whether you will make a good coach and teacher. Plus a good coach is not always a coach with good athletes and good results.

source: tass.ru


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3 Responses to “Yulia Lipnitskaya joined Evgeni Plushenko’s academy as a coach”

  1. jimmbboe says:

    Yay for Yulia!! Wishing her all the best in her new job! Hopefully shw ill still do an ice show here and there :)

  2. debbie b sterner says:

    Love Yulia very happy for her

  3. Stephen McIver says:

    Love you, Yulia. I am expecting you to be skating brilliantly again soon. Hope to be seeing you.

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