Sofia Samodurova: Triple axel is in plans
Sofia Samodurova about past season, new programs and fans.
by Dmitri Kuznetsov for dd. 24th April, 2019.

Sophia, let’s talk about the future. You recently posted a photo on Instagram with Ivan Righini and Canadian choreographer Malissa Kae Lee. Can you tell us what programs you are preparing?
– Definitely it will be something new, but I don’t want to reveal all the secrets yet. I don’t even know whether this will be included in the program or not, but I hope that I will show it.
If Ilia Averbukh remains the choreographer of your free program, turns out that this is the short program.
– Yes, with the free program everything remains the same, we work with Ilia, and this is the short one.
Surely you’ve heard the opinion that you should complicate the programs. What will you add?
– Of course I heard, and I’m going to do it. First of all, triple axel is in plans. I’ve come back from the show just recently, so while there was no time to work on it. I will go to the training camp in Estonia, and will gradually work on this jump. Last time I tried it two years ago, now we’ll see.
Maybe quads? There are a lot of talks about them now.
– It’s necessary to start with axel after all.
Is it possible to catch up with Alina Zagitova, Evgenia Medvedeva in technique, do you set yourself such a goal at all?
– No, I don’t set a goal to catch up or outrun them. I have certain goals: clean skating, complication of the programs. I work only for myself and for my team, I don’t look at anyone else.
Do you have worries that you’ve set a very high bar in the first season, and it’s always more difficult to keep the result?
– I’m not worried about this. I have no other options, I just need to work and show my level.
Can we say that you have matured during this season? By several years.
– I don’t know about several years, but … Of course, I’ve matured a lot. I started to think completely different even in some life situations. Became more responsible, adult.
What did Alexei Mishin say after the end of the season?
– He said “Well done.” What else could he say? (laughs) He praised, said that I showed a high level this year. But we need to work further.
Eteri Tutberidze’s juniors will soon move to senior skating, you probably won’t argue that this can be a serious game changer. Does it motivate? Or do not you think about it at all?
– This season is still not over, so honestly, I have not thought about the next one.
Was the past season perfect?
– Not perfect, but good one.
What was wrong?
– Many performances could have been better. At the World Championships, the final combination didn’t work out, at the Russian Nationals there was a similar mistake.
This says a person who didn’t fail a single element during the season, didn’t fall.
– Still… It spoiled the overall impression.
You just performed in Ilia Averbukh’s show of Ilya Averbukh in Siberia. How do you like the atmosphere?
– I skated in my hometown, Krasnoyarsk. There was a crazy support. They also turned on the wrong music … and didn’t have another one – the one I was supposed to skate to. So I stood, I didn’t understand what was happening. Someone from the stands shouted: “Skate to this one! We love you anyway!”
Can you compare the Russian public and, for example, the Japanese?
– They are difficult to compare. Still, in Japan and abroad in general there is no such negative towards skaters. Here we have it a little bit. It seems to me that the Japanese understand that this is necessary to support everyone. Our fans are more sincere, so sometimes something goes wrong.
It seems that the wave of haters didn’t touch you. Or did they write something to you too?
– They wrote, of course, but I don’t respond to that. In general, my senior skating has just begun, so everything is still ahead.
Are you ready for this?
– Of course, I’m ready. But it is better just to ignore.
What are the plans for the off-season besides figure skating?
– I want to go on vacation, of course. I’m going to Thailand, to relax. Then start training.
Related topics: Sofia Samodurova
Go Sofia GO! Love this lady, can’t wait to see her new programs. Will miss her Burlesque program, though.