Sergei Voronov: I have strength, health, a desire to continue

Posted on 2018-05-21 • 2 comments


Short interview with Sergei Voronov who wants to continue his sports career.

Sergei, we saw your photo with a student on Instagram. Are you trying coaching profession?

– Of course, I have the main job – to train, to compete, as the sports career continues. But I’m interested in trying something else. There are a couple of students whom I help. I don’t train them. They have their own coaches. But like any new business, it’s interesting. Yes, it is not easy. But I wanted to feel like a coach, to understand what do people who stand behind the board feel. This is useful anyway. So in my spare time I help young skaters. I am very glad that at the competitions our boy took 1st place after the injury, after surgery. Well done!

After the Russian Nationals you decided to continue your sports career and to stay in CSKA?

– Yes. I had time to think. I started from my inner state, what I want, and not what I was advised, what I need or do do not need. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to make my own choice. And I chose that I want to continue skating. I’m glad that I stayed with CSKA. I am grateful to Elena Germanovna (Buyanova – ed.) for letting me work in her team. For me it was very important, because I was in such a situation that when I was not in Moscow, I received a call from the CSKA school director, asked whether I would continue, because Inna Germanovna Goncharenko does not work there anymore. That’s how I found out about it.

But I’m glad that the work continues. It is most important.

Have you started to work on programs?

– We will start working on them. We’ve already found the music. I won’t tell yet Who will be a choreographer. If last season it was some kind of experiment with choreographers, then now I also want to try to work with one person. Not that we hide, I just think it’s better first to show the work, and then talk. I am sure in this specialist. I think we will succeed.

Will you go to the training camp with the guys from the group of Elena Germanovna?

– Yes. When we had a conversation with Elena Germanovna, she said that I can prepare with them. Together we will go to the training camp.

I have my job, if you love it, then do it with pleasure. And I want to work. Probably, I felt love for work a bit late, but someone realizes it at 18 years old, someone later. I have strength, health, a desire to continue and this is the most important thing.

Do you know in which competitions you will participate?

– I would not change anything in my strategy, because past seasons have shown that the more you compete, the faster you get used to the programs. In the autumn there will be test skates, then, perhaps, some Russian local competitions, Challengers. But much will depend on the Grand Prix. Then everything will be clear.

Last season you went to the Grand Prix in Osaka and Lake Placid. What was remembered especially?

– I was in Osaka before that. And Lake Placid .. I did not think that it’s such a beautiful place! And then it was such an experience for me. The locker room, where our hockey team was changing! I did not even notice it at once. And the insanely beautiful view at the lake from the window. I even thought it was not typical America.

by Olga Ermolina and Tatjana Flade for


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2 Responses to “Sergei Voronov: I have strength, health, a desire to continue”

  1. Kitty W says:

    What does he think is “typical America”? New York City? Hope he realizes our geography is as diverse as Russia’s.

    I saw him in practice at one of the Grand Prix events. He is an intimidator. He tried to spook Shoma, but Shoma beat him anyway in the competition.

  2. Gv says:

    Translation: I’m 31 and still don’t know what else to do with my life and skating is easy money.

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