Ekaterina Bobrova: I answer to everyone: “Thank you very much.”

Posted on 2018-04-18 • 5 comments


Ekaterina Bobrova about communication with fans:

You answer all the messages on Instagram. Why do you do this?

– It’s important for me to respond people, because they spent time on it. And I will spend less time than they, have read this and answered. I answer to everyone: “Thank you very much.” Answering, I hope that they will understand that it is important for me that they wrote to me.

But there’re a lot of negativity also.

– Yes, unfortunately, there are bad comments too, but mostly comments on the posts. I’m religious, I do not believe in evil. I think that those people who write bad, they don’t understand the whole point of what is happening. There were a lot of messages that I somehow denigrate Alina Zagitova, this is not true. Alina, despite her age, is a very grown-up girl. This does not mean that I should take care of her.

Just so it happened that I have been very close with Zhenya Medvedeva for a very long time. After the ladies’ free program I posted a photo with Zhenya and wrote “I’m Proud.” I did not write what a pity that you did not win, or that Alina somehow wrongly won. Alina is an Olympic champion, without no doubt. But for some reason after that I immediately started to get comments that I somehow denigrate Alina.

And there are a lot of such messages. I really want to explain to people that they see the tip of the iceberg, and what happens is hidden below. But, probably, this is not worth spending time, you can’t explain them this. But I still believe that there are no bad people.

by Leonid Shlikov for sports.ru


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5 Responses to “Ekaterina Bobrova: I answer to everyone: “Thank you very much.””

  1. susan says:

    Katia has always been a sweetheart.

  2. Kitty W says:

    She sounds like a caring person, and so beautiful – reminds me of a young Catherine Deneuve!

    • FS Gossips says:

      Yeah, I don’t like their programs (well except Anna Karenina), but Katia is such a nice person!

      • Mad for Skating says:

        Anna Karenina was one of my favorites as well!!! Their costumes were perfect!

        I also don’t mind this season’s FD, the music is beautiful and emotional, but I don’t get the “I’m blind” part haha.

  3. Mad for Skating says:

    Say what you want about her Latin moves, but Katia is always so lovely and well-spoken. Really, do people not have anything better to do than create rumors?

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