World Junior Championships. Costume review: short dance

Posted on 2016-03-18 • No comments yet


I always expect a lot from ice dancers’ costumes, because their ideas are not to limited by jumps and high lifts. They can afford to wear long skirts, different jackets, boleros, tailcoats, plunging necklines, etc. Let’s see who dealt best with task “look fantastic in waltz”.

Here’s my top-5 best costumes of the short dance at Junior Worlds Championships 2016.

5. Marjorie Lajoie – Zachary Lagha

Marjorie LAJOIE Zachary LAGHA

I like the color palette of this costumes. Pink-beige-brown look good on ice – not too bright and distracting but not too pale. He looks informal but romantic, his costume gives some retro notes, and that’s good for the program. I like her dress a lot but I wish she have reduced the amount of laces on the bodice and haven’t use the different shade of pink for this part of the dress. But overall it’s a lovely dress. I like that it has sleeves, in dresses with sleeves arms always look more refined. The ribbon on the waist is just charming! This season it seems to be a trend in ice dancing fashion)

4. Betina Popova – Yuri Vlasenko

Betina Popova Yuri Vlasenko

I don’t know why but they decided to change their short dance. I liked the previous more, and previous costumes also were more interesting and memorable. Here we see nice costumes for the waltz. Lovely but typical. It’s pretty surprising to see Betina wearing such tender colours and romantic silhouette. The bodice and stripes are nicely decorated with silver crystals. Such skirts are always look great in motion. Betina also pays attention to accessories – sparkling hair accessory looks great! But I would have removed this thing on her arm…..I understand that it’s a common thing in ballroom dancing, but for my taste, it’s a bit distracting and to much. Yuri looks great in tailcoat. Tailcoats are perfect for waltzes. it’s really difficult to think of something better. But I still think that for the “Snowstorm” the full-dressl-uniform would be more suitable.

3. Alla Loboda – Pavel Drozd

Alla Loboda Pavel Drozd

I’ve discussed this costumes many times (for example here). Definitely one of the best costumes for the short dance this season. Clear concept of the “first ball”, tenderness and romance. It’s actually a rare situation when I like male costume more. Pavel in full-dress uniform look fantastic like a hero of girlish dreams. Great work. I like the idea of Alla’s dress, it’s totally in empire style as this historical epoch requires, and I like the fashionable minty shade. Lace on the skirt is beautiful but makes the skirt heavy and gives a bit of “pregnancy look”.

2. Mackenzie Bent – Dmitre Razgulajevs

Mackenzie BENT / Dmitre RAZGULAJEVS

I’m really surprised how could I missed this costumes during grand-prix! Great costumes in retro style. Totally in the mood of the dance! I like the combination of colors for his shirt and all this tiny details: buttons, different colors on the shirtband and, handkerchief in the breast pocket. All this small accents are working for the style. Mackenzie’s dress is a good example of how to use bright color correctly. If you chose such color that immediately grabs all attention, be moderate with the design of the costume. Mackenzie did everything correctly: bright color – simple cut. But simple doesn’t mean boring! If we take a closer look on her dress we will see interesting details: tiny belt on the waist, laces on the back (of the same color shade with the dress), lovely stand collar. Really great choice!

1.Rachel Parsons – Michael Parsons

parsonsI’ve also discussed this costumes many times (for example here), Rachel and Michael have been my fashion leaders of the season in the short dance. And nothing has changed at the Junior World Championships. Fantastic costumes! From the first sight you realized the concept: princess and prince are dancing on the ball. I really appreciate that Rachel didn’t choose for Cinderella program a traditional blue color. Because it’s a powerful classic music, not a Disney soundtrack. Full-dress uniform and white+golden dress one the best possible combinations for the waltz, if you want to look royal, spectacular and not too dramatic. It’s a stereotype that white looks fade on the ice. You just need to decorate it wisely and to have a contrast with partner’s costume. They both look so gorgeous!


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