Russian Nationals 2016. Men’s free program [video]

Posted on 2015-12-26 • No comments yet


The results of Russian Nationals 2016 in men’s skating.

1.Maxim Kovtun defended his title and now he’s a three-time Russian National Champion. 173,08 (79,86+93,22) for the free program and total score 266,13.

About his free program:

I was nervous as before. When in the second part I began to play I heard the laughter of the audience, their emotions. It has setted me for the performance. To skate today was a pleasure. I wanted to give a holiday for the audience.

About five quads:

Our main and only goal was five quads. We’ve started to practise them just two weeks ago. Probably, general physical training played an important role, I spend much time in gym. It’s probably something that I didn’t have in those two years when I couldn’t do five quads. 

But it was no second triple toeloop in combination, I fell from the axel in the short program, some spins were only level three. There are some bad moments. I look at the world’s leaders, knowing that a lot of work is ahead. Otherwise, there is no need to skate if you do not strive to the best. – Kovtun said

About his plans for the second half of the season:

Generally Grand Prix are not the main starts, I put other tasks for the further time. I want to keep the same positions and move according to them at the European Championships. And the mandatory goal for the future is a medal at World Championships.

the source: R-Sport

2. Mikhail Kolyada –   170,18 (81,54+88,64) and total score 260,73. A surprising silver medalist!

About his free program:

After second place in the short program, I tried not to think about the final placement. I didn’t think about rivals too. I aimed to skate the program without errors. Almost got it. Why almost? If yesterday for my performance I would put an “A-“, for today’s only “B”. There were blots, I didn’t go “3 + 3” after the loop.

Most attention was given to the quad. Today I did it well. Other elements have gone on the wayside, and it wasn’t unnoticed by the judges. – Mikhail said.

About his plans for European Championships:

I will try to perform two quads. I’m also learning the quad salchow. I’m not planning three quand with one in combination but two quads it’s realistic. 

the source: Team Russia-2014

3. Alexander Petrov – 167,03 (81,83+86,20) and total score 248,64. And we have no less surprising bronze medalist! The men’s podium at Russian Nationals turned out quite unpredictable and young.

For me, the final result of the Russian Nationals became a surptise. The main idea was to skate my programs clean. For me, this bronze is a major success in my career.

As for my free program, it was planned a little differently. We wanted to add a quad toe loop, but I have consulted with the coach and we decided to just go clean with triplesThe challenge was to get into the top six. But I have exceeded the plan by getting on the podium – Alexander said. 

About European Championships:

You definetly can’t go to the European Championships without a quad. It is necessary to have at least one quad in the short and free. Our task is to make three attempts of the quad at each practice. If it didn’t work than we do other jumps. For me a quad in case of the plan for trainings does not differ from the axel or triple lutz. 

The source: FSRussia 

Here the results, video and parts of the interviews from the short programs at Russian Nationals: men, ladies, pairs, ice dance



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