Evgenia Medvedeva: “I have talked to many skaters from other countries, and they admit that the suspension of Russian athletes is unfair but no one can publicly voice their opinion due to politics.”

Posted on 2024-06-10 • 16 comments


Evgenia Medvedeva about her life after retirement from sports and suspension of Russian athletes.

original source: bolshoisport.ru

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Evgenia Medvedeva in the interview with Bolshoi Sport talks about her life after retirement from sports and suspension of Russian athletes. Here’s a translation of her comments.

Q: After your retirement, you remain popular, take part in various projects related to sports, fashion, run a YouTube channel… How would you introduce yourself to someone who has never heard of Evgenia Medvedeva? Who are you primarily?

Evgenia Medvedeva: First and foremost, I am a former professional figure skater. And I haven’t yet achieved outstanding results in other areas to boast about them. Even if they appeared, it is probably wrong to brag in general. After all, in professional sports I won almost everything possible, while in my media career I still have to work and work. It’s still a red ocean for me – there is very tough competition there.

Q: You noted that finding yourself after retiring was helped by manager Levan Matua. Did you immediately agree to participate in all the projects he proposed or did you sometimes have to force yourself? Are there any areas of activity which you would like to try but the manager says that it is not yet time or it will damage the image being built?

Evgenia Medvedeva: We have been cooperating with Levan and his team for almost 10 years now. And we have been working well for a long time. Maybe at first I wasn’t so involved in media projects, then my mom made all the decisions for me, and I did the main thing – winning medals, and my time was not littered with other matters. Now, I am immersed in every project, and Levan doesn’t offer me something that might initially be not interesting. My team already understands what’s okay for me and what’s not. I can’t say that I’ve already found myself. And I don’t quite understand what it means. I try different things. Right now, my attention is focused on the YouTube project “No Comments”. I want to develop as a host. It’s interesting. But I’m a sane person and understand that I still have a long way to go before I can reach real professionals in this field. That’s why I launched my own show instead of learning on some federal channel. We invested our own money, came up with the format ourselves, we shoot ourselves. We will develop from episode to episode.

Q: After the suspension of the Russians from international arena, new competition formats appeared in our country – a jumping championship, tournament of show programs… Which of the innovations are you interested in? Can they enrich figure skating as a sport?

Evgenia Medvedeva: What interests me is for our figure skaters to return to the world stage. The Federation and Channel One are doing everything to maintain viewer interest but if we don’t return to international competitions, it will be extremely difficult for figure skating to remain popular. In general, the federation has created cool new formats. But in any case, I am eagerly awaiting the return of our guys to the World and European Championships. Moreover, I can tell you that I have talked to many professional figure skaters from other countries, and they understand that our athletes did not do anything wrong, and they admit it is unfair but no one can publicly voice their opinion due to politics.

Q: Is the age limit a boon or a bane for the development of figure skating? Which of the current Russian and foreign figure skaters do you most admire for their style?

Evgenia Medvedeva: It’s hard for me to answer this question. When our figure skaters return to global sport, then we will talk about how it affected our sport. Right now it doesn’t matter because our girls are not in the competitions. The development of women’s figure skating has greatly halted. Remove Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain, Bayern Munich, and Real Madrid from football and see what happens to the development of this sport. Of the current figure skaters, of course, I am most impressed with Ilia Malinin. He has a phenomenal talent.

Q: Do you prioritize inviting guests to your YouTube channel who are interesting to you or people whose interviews are likely to get a large number of views? Are there people you would like to talk to for the channel but don’t, understanding that the episode won’t be popular?

Evgenia Medvedeva: I try to invite only those who personally interest me.

Q: Who has the most influence on the success of an interview – the interviewer or the interviewee? Are there any authors of YouTube channels and television hosts whose work you consider to be an example, who do you look to?

Evgenia Medvedeva: It depends equally on both sides. It also greatly depends on the mood of the interviewee. We had one failed episode when the guest came without the proper mood, demanded to cut out all the questions, almost every one of them they expressed dissatisfaction with, and after the interview, they even demanded not to post it on the Internet as they did not like how they looked on video. I will not say who it was. Such a failed experience also needs to be lived through. But there were also awesome, open guests.

Q: Who do you consider the greatest athlete in history?

Evgenia Medvedeva: It’s hard to single out just one, so I’ll name three: Michael Jordan, Lev Yashin, and Lionel Messi.

Q: Name the most beautiful place in the world from those where you have been.

Evgenia Medvedeva: Lake Baikal.

Q: What would you change in your past if given the opportunity?

Evgenia Medvedeva: Nothing. Perhaps, I would like to fix my back – because of problems with it, I had to leave the sport. I planned for a long sports career, but my body had other plans.

Q: What superpower would you like to acquire?

Evgenia Medvedeva: The ability to heal fatally ill people.

Q: Do you have a global goal in life?

Evgenia Medvedeva: Everything is very trivial: a happy family. And for my loved ones to be happy.”


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16 Responses to “Evgenia Medvedeva: “I have talked to many skaters from other countries, and they admit that the suspension of Russian athletes is unfair but no one can publicly voice their opinion due to politics.””

  1. No war says:

    To Hanna, thanks for the reply about Kurakova. I hope one day you will understand the difference between the Russian people and Putin’s regime. There is no difference between Russians and other people, just different circumstances;) All the best to you.

  2. Hanna says:

    @ No war, I see that you continue in your semi-ironic, imperial style… Nevertheless I will answer you – Kurakova switched to Poland long before war and she is NOT training in Russia either, so she is welcomed here. You see, it’s really not about ethnicity, as many of you desperately claim. It’s about representing Russia during wartime or switching country because of war and still training in Russia, often with people who support Putin.
    Honestly what on Earth are you arguing about – there is Russian aggression going on and you want us to admire your skaters?! It’s just so sickening.

  3. No war says:

    To Hanna, just curious: what do you think about Polish Kurakova – is she good enough to represent Poland or should she go home to Russia trying to stop the war?

  4. No war says:

    What you do not realise, Hanna, is that Russians do fight. But the force they are against is brutal and strong. Your Lech Valenca has survived in prison, our Lech (Alexey Navalny) was killed. There is war both inside and outside Russia. I do not like when you blame ordinary Russians (ex. figure skaters) for the ongoing tragedy. They are also victims. (And when you start pointing the finger, three are pointing back at you;))

  5. Hanna says:

    @ No war, I get really sad seeing how nasty you comments get as soon as you meet opposition. Well, I actually reside in both Poland and Sweden but of course I personally did not fight. Not with weapons, but yes I took part in demonstrations agains Sovjet sponsored government during 80s. Was it as hard as under Putin in Russia? No, I don’t think so, but it was beating, water canons, teargas of course. And insecurity, you never know what they can do. But generations before me, they fought in the way you Russian people would need to do now. So yes, my nation in general is, as you put it, experienced freedom fighter
    What gets me most when I read your comments is this omnipresent search for guilt and responsibility outside yourself. Western leaders and God knows who else. Has Western double standards? In many causes! Have the leaders in some ways contributed to Putin’s grip? Again, yes.
    Still, you cannot complain as you do, never looking for responsibilities and solutions inside your self and your own country. Your name is “No war” and you say this war is a tragedy. Well, it becomes more and more clear that you consider it tragedy because your skaters cannot compete internationally because of it. You relativize those attrocities all the time by advocating för Russians return. But enough is enough! And by the way, it has just become clear – the ban remains. Rightly so.

  6. No war says:

    Ps: many thanks for the valuable advices from the experienced freedom fighters in this blog. One did even fight for freedom in Poland (while sitting in Sweden /Finland), sharing her experiences. The other one is connected to the whole world, and is speaking on behalf of it defining who could /could not do sports. This Ms Brave on a high horse also knows how to stand up against and pressure the dictator.

  7. No war says:

    Should Russia seek approval from NATO to start war? ?? Putin is not my president. And I don’t think he represents the Russian people. As for the Russian athletes, some of them are dumb (see Boikova’s comment). Should you be banned from sports if you are dumb? I’m happy for you, guys, that you are able to influence decisions of your country leaders (or good for you you are still believing it;)). Cherish your freedom. And I do hope the war in Ukraine ends as soon as possible. It’s a tragedy.

  8. No war says:

    Soviet got weak and lost its grip, such that other countries got a chance to get out. Poland got accepted into EU and got lots of support towards democratic developments. Russian people have not got that support. Unfortunately, leaders in the ‘democratic’ countries chose to deal with Putin (he has always been the same) and strengthened him throughout the years. And now you want unarmed Russian people to take on the heavily armed Putin’s army? Or you want young Russian athletes to go against the regime knowing that the doors to Europe/West are closed for them and that they are hated there? Why did your democratic leaders with high values choose to deal with Putin before while he was suppressing people inside Russia? Some double standards here. I’m against the war (read my name). But I believe that western’s double standards, US’s goal to weaken Russia and Europe are some of the reasons this war is ongoing. Medvedeva, Zagitova, etc has nothing to do with the situation.

  9. Cyndy Frankel says:

    You are a Russian Citizen. Your country has engage in war killing innocent people. Your president Putin engage in war WITHOUT approval by the NATO and UN. What is your country’s purpose and motives of having a war against Ukraine? A peaceful Ukrainian do not deserve to be brutally killed. Russian Citizen who engage in sports can not enjoy the privilege of sports while your president also is enjoying killing, bombing Ukrainian. Pressure your president to stop the barbaric war , so you all Russian Skaters can also enjoy your sports in skating. Sports is a privilege and banning you all from participating the world event is not POLITICS. The world speaks. You can not enjoy your loved sports while your president is enjoying ,by killing and bombing fiercely Ukraine.

  10. No war says:

    To Hanna, good for you you know and understand the history.And I’m happy for you that you have never experienced dictatorship.Additional remark:, Sweden is a monarchy.

  11. Tonia B Cobb says:

    Russia has a long history of cheating in the Olympics.
    It’s sad that some of their altheles have been caught up in manipulative circumstances to illegally enhanced their performances.
    The Russian sporting world needs to learn that there are consequences for allowing this sort of practice to continue.
    If their altheles are not following the rules than they can’t participate.It is the Russian coaches,sporting program staff and their officials job to keep them in check. When they don’t suspensions should and do occur.

  12. Hanna says:

    @No war, First of all – why do you used citations marks for my democratic country?? Yes, all countries in EU are democratic, yet of course not ideal. As for propaganda – I do not need to read it, Polish and Swedish (with some Finnish roots) as I am I simply know the history of my countries and my family history. And believe me – Russia is a real wrong doer in our region. Recent history, modern history and many hundreds years back. Always the same.
    Back to figure skating – you will have great difficulties in finding skaters really eligible for being “neutrals” We have seen too many of them enthusiastically supporting Putin and DO NOT TELL ME they do not have a choice. It would be shamefully cowardice remark. And the same applies to many coaches, so I think Samodelkina and this younger girl, who just changed sport citizenship do not stand a chance either, at least as long as they are training with you know who.

    • FS Gossips says:

      I don not believe they all really don’t have a choice. Look at Anna Shcherbakova, she was, let’s say, very careful about her appearances at “state / government events.” Same goes for Eteri Tutberidze. If the Olympic Champion could avoid such events I hardly believe that other not so decorated skaters could not.

  13. No war says:

    Hi Hanna, in democracy decisions are in people’s hands. But Russia is a dictatorship. People do not have the power. There are thousands of Russians tortured, beaten up, imprisoned and killed for disagreeing with the dictator. I’not a troll. But you can read what US has done to Latin America, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, etc.. And no, two wrongs do not make it right. But you are reading your propaganda in your ‘democratic’ country and Russians are reading their propaganda. (I read in several languages from different sources). Could the truth be somewhere in between …? It’s just ridiculous to blame young Russian athletes for the war in Ukraine.

  14. Hanna says:


  15. Hanna says:

    No, Evgenia, we do express our opinions freely in democratic countries. And we do not want Putins Russia back in sports. The ban is very fair and should remain in place as long as you are such an aggressive country. Besides, you have it all in your own hands, right? Leave Ukraine, respect the borders from 1991, apologize, pay for the rebuild, stop Harrisona other countries in the region and you will be back.

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