“Why is an American journalist worse than a Russian one? I know a lot of journalists from all over the world and I’m happy to talk with them.” Tamara Moskvina about her interview to The Skating Lesson

Posted on 2024-02-18 • 1 comment


Translation of Tamara Moskvina’s comments about communicating with foreign journalists.

original source: Sport-Express

photo fsrussia.ru

Tama Moskvina was asked about her interview to The Sakting Lesson. Here’s a translation of her comment.

Q: Tamara Nikolaevna, you gave an interview to an American journalist a month ago. Why did you decide to answer him?

Tamara Moskvina: Can I ask you, why do I give interviews to you? Usually, I give interviews to those journalists who ask me. And then, why is an American journalist worse than a Russian one? I know a lot of journalists from all over the world. I am happy to talk, give interviews, just chat with all of them. How are they worse than ours?

Q: Are you against closing off from the world? Yesterday, from your colleague Evgeni Rukavitsyn, we heard that we are not striving to go abroad, let them envy us.

Tamara Moskvina: I don’t know what you were talking about with Rukavitsyn, you discuss it with him. But what does it mean against? I live in the world, so I strive to be aware of everything that happens in the world of figure skating, in life in general, to be aware of everything that happens in the world in all spheres of activity. Because I consider myself part of this world.

Q: Did you like the show program competition last year?

Tamara Moskvina: I liked all the competitions of last year, because they were participated in by athletes who train in our group.

Q: Then why this year make the competition only about Russian themes? If we are not closing off from the world.

Tamara Moskvina: Now I will finish these competitions, there will be a banquet, then a trip home and so on. I will sit in the plane and carefully read the regulations. And then I will know what you are talking about. Right now, it’s a bit of running ahead of the train.

On the contrary, I have a suggestion for you. Invite foreign journalists here yourselves, I will be happy to talk to them in English.”


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One response to ““Why is an American journalist worse than a Russian one? I know a lot of journalists from all over the world and I’m happy to talk with them.” Tamara Moskvina about her interview to The Skating Lesson”

  1. No war says:

    It is the World closing off Russian people. And Russian people are left inside the heavily armed suppressive regime, realising that the World hates them as well. And the World has been happily dealing , strengthening and legitimising the Russian dictator for more than 20 years. Disappointing to see how the World has ‘suddenly’ discovered what sort of regime it Always has been!

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