Instagram review: best photos of the week [21.10-28.10.2018]

Posted on 2018-10-28 • 3 comments


It’s Sunday and it’s time to check Instagram!)

Part 1 “On the ice”

Nam Nguyen

Kirsten Moore-Towers and Michael Marinaro

Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres

Tiffany Zahorski  and Jonathan Guerreiro

Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje

WEaver Poje

Tessa Virtue

Tessa Virtue

Part 2 “Incredibly beautiful and irresistible hot”

Alex Shibutani

Alex Shibutani

Piper Gilles

Ashley Wagner

Ashley Wagner

Maxim Kovtun

MAxim Kovtun

Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen

Adam Rippon

Adam Rippon

Tara Lipinski

Part 3 “Beautiful couples and families”

Meryl Davis and Fedor Andreev

Meryl Davis

Part 4 “Four-legged friends”

Meryl and Bilbo

Ashley Wagner


Meagan Duhamel

Team Montreal

We’re looking for new photos!

Radford Chan

best photos of previous week [14.10-21.10.2018]


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3 Responses to “Instagram review: best photos of the week [21.10-28.10.2018]”

  1. jimmbboe says:

    Sadly, no :(

  2. jimmbboe says:

    LOL Patrick and Eric! Lovely photo of Tessa – wish I could’ve made it to the Thank You Canada tour. Beautiful photo of Piper!

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