Stolbova and Klimov work on their programs in North America

Posted on 2017-06-06 • 8 comments


Nina Mozer told a bit about new programs for Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov:

Stolbova / Klimov are now in Montreal, work with Marie-France Dubreuil on the free program, this part of their work will last until mid-June, then they will move to the US to work on the short program by Pasquale Camerlengo, with whom they will work until the end of June.

Sounds really good! Ksenia and Fedor is a pair of such level that deserve great choreography, they are able to show it proberly. So I really happy that no programs by Morozov for the Olympic season! But, Marie-France, please don’t give them this boring lyrical style in ombre costumes that you like so mych for ice dancers) Ksenia and Fedor are different type of skaters, different type of pair. I think they need something powerful and emotional.


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8 Responses to “Stolbova and Klimov work on their programs in North America”

  1. Mad for Skating says:

    I’m super excited about this! I absolutely worship these guys so I think I’ll love anything they come up with.

    That said…like the other people here, I’m a little worried about how Marie-France will work with them. She makes good programs for ice dancers, but I’m rather neutral to all her top teams because I love unique choreography.

    As for Pasquale, I’m actually interested in this. I’ve always loved his work with Kaitlyn and Andrew, and I think that style would look great on Ksenia and Fedor. They have the drama factor and they can use it!

    No Morozov though…that means no boring programs, and Ksenia will not become Morozov’s fifth wife.

  2. susan says:

    I will never forgive Marie-France if she turns Ksenia’s innate fierceness and edge into the Montreal mush she gives to all her dance teams(yep, ALL of them). Just say NO to the mush!:-(

    • FS Gossips says:

      I hope that the specifics of pair skating won’t encourage her to do this. Because even a little mistake destroys of the magic of such style in ice dance and it’s pair skating where visible mistakes happen much more frequently(

      • Mad for Skating says:

        Ugh, has there ever been a pairs competition without visible mistakes? It’s just too much for my nerves!

    • skating fan says:

      I agree, they (but especially Ksenia) are suited to fierce programs, they can pull off a dramatic program with competitive edge. No mush for them, but… even if they get mush, I’ll cheer for them

      • Mad for Skating says:

        I just can’t picture my warrior princess (and Fedor) in a mush program. I would like to see them in something a little more sexy this year; they have that intensity and I LOVED their SP to “I put a spell on you”. James/Cipres have been using the sex appeal to their advantage and look where it’s gotten them. A pair with strong skating skills like Ksenia and Fedor PLUS hot chemistry would be unstoppable; I really want to see that.

  3. jimmbboe says:

    Excellent! Missed them last season!

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