Tatiana Tarasova: “ISU offenders are taking the lives of our athletes. We are not to blame for this, but the ISU. They are the traitors. In this case, the change of sports citizenship won’t be considered a betrayal.”

Posted on 2022-04-05 • 9 comments


Tatiana Tarasova expressed her opinion about whether Russian skaters could start changing sports citizenship due to the decision of the International Skating Union (ISU) to ban Russians from participating in competitions held under the auspices of the organization.

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source: sport24.ru dd. 4th April

Do you think mass change of sports citizenship by our skaters is possible if the issue of the ban of the Russian national team is not resolved?

Tatiana Tarasova: Well, how can this be not solved? Why were we disqualified? For what? I just don’t get it. Sport is allegedly “out of politics”, why were we banned then? What have we done? What did our girls and boys do? Nothing. Why then touch them?

But if this issue is not resolved and we are not returned, then, perhaps, our skaters will start leaving en masse. Those guys who are preparing for the next Olympics and other international competitions will have to think about changing their registration. The main thing they should decide it themselves. An athlete’s life is very short, many guys will never have the opportunity to compete again. Therefore, they and their coaches need to decide together what will be better. Each missed international competitions could be the last of their career, so they might start moving to other countries to in the world of figure skating.

Wouldn’t that be considered a betrayal?

Tatiana Tarasova: Exactly in such a situation switching to another national team is not a betrayal. ISU offenders are taking the lives of our athletes. We are not to blame for this, but the ISU. They are the traitors. Therefore, in this case, the change of sports citizenship will not be considered a betrayal, in my opinion. I will definitely not condemn the athletes for their decision.


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9 Responses to “Tatiana Tarasova: “ISU offenders are taking the lives of our athletes. We are not to blame for this, but the ISU. They are the traitors. In this case, the change of sports citizenship won’t be considered a betrayal.””

  1. Laura says:

    You have no idea what the truth is, seriously. There are real neo-nazis in Kiev and Ukraine who are butcherers

  2. Laura says:

    What? Sports have always been neutral and not political. You are misinformed.

  3. Laura says:

    …a local citizen caught an American soldier on their camera fleeing the scene of the crime. I heard that recording!! He told them, “Put down the camera” and kept running. So don’t tell me the US is innocent. But will you hear about that on CNN? No. Why would US big tech ban debate on the Internet and ban RT.com and Sputnik news? I’ll tell you why. They don’t want the insouciant Americans to know or question the spoon fed narrative they dish out.

  4. Laura says:

    Ok, I am an American, and the people who commented here have been indoctrinated by the US Media. They know NOTHING about the US coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014 where Victoria Nuland was all part of it, even caught on a taped call exclaiming who she was going to pick for the new anti-Russian president. An ensuing US perpetrating and bloody genocide of Eastern Ukrainians lasted 8 years! Stop watching our Media. They are liars. They lie about everything and work for the State. After the bus bombing in Volnovaka in Donestv

  5. Laura says:

    Ok, I am an American, and the people who commented here have been indoctrinated by the US Media. They know NOTHING about the US coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014 where Victoria Nuland was all part of it, even caught on a taped call exclaiming who she was going to pick for the new anti-Russian president. An ensuing US perpetrating and bloody genocide of Eastern Ukrainians lasted 8 years! Stop watching our Media. They are liars. They lie about everything and work for the State. After the bus bombing in Volnovaka in Donestv..

  6. Interested says:

    I totally agree with Monika. Professional sport and athletes in Russia have always been used by the regime to ‘show’ its strength and greatness, unfortunately. And many of the Russian athletes, coaches and sporting officials are happy to be used in this game. They have simply become an important part of the Russian propaganda machine.

  7. Carolina says:

    War crimes and butchering families and children is not politics. These elite officials have vpn and plenty of access to real information, there is no excuse

  8. Monika says:

    How true. Sport is linked with the politics, especially in Russia. The example given in the previous comment is more than accurate. Every Russian including the athletes must pay for the atrocities other Russian are doing in Ukraine. Otherwise, this horror will not end. Shame on Tarasova that she does not admit it.

  9. Interested says:

    You are mentioning ‘sports is out of politics’. What was Sinitsina / Katsalapov and Tarasova / Morozov doing next to Putin in Ljuzjniki with the letter Z recently?

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