“I won’t watch the World Championships and I’m not interested. I’ll watch only the Russian Nationals and the championship in Saransk.” Zhulin and Averbukh

Posted on 2022-03-21 • 2 comments


Ilia Averbukh and Alexander Zhulin announced that they would not watch the World Figure Skating Championships.

Ilia Averbukh: I won’t watch the World Championships, I’m not interested in it now after our guys weren’t allowed to participate. Foreigners, of course, will be happy to watch, but definitely not us. The World Championships will lose in spectacularity, because Russian figure skaters are the leaders of world figure skating, and when the leaders do not perform, this affects the level of the competitions.

Remember the Olympic hockey event, which the strongest hockey players from the NHL did not come to, it lost in entertainment, the same will happen with the World Figure Skating Championships in France.

source: Metaratings

Alexander Zhulin: I won’t watch the World Championships and I’m not interested. This competitions will lose its spectacle, as we are the obvious favorites in almost all disciplines.

I will not watch the World Championships without Russian skaters. I don’t follow it at all. My interest dropped by 100%.

I will not watch from the position of patriotism. I will watch only the Russian Nationals and the championship in Saransk.

source: championat.com


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2 Responses to ““I won’t watch the World Championships and I’m not interested. I’ll watch only the Russian Nationals and the championship in Saransk.” Zhulin and Averbukh”

  1. cabres says:

    These people really didn’t understand anything.

  2. Questfan says:

    OK, but where can we non-Russians watch the Channel 1 Russian even live? Links please, we don’t want to watch the subpar WSC either

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