Adeliia Petrosian: “If they told me that regardless age, I was going to the Olympics, I probably wouldn’t felt anything. In our group we no longer have a difference for which competitions we are preparing.”

Posted on 2022-01-04 • No comments yet


Interview with Adeliia Petrosian who jumped two quad loops in the free program and placed 4th at the latest Russian Nationals. About Nationals, quad jumps and Eteri Tutberidze.

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source: dd. 4th December 2021 by Vlad Zhukov

You were so small at this championship against the backdrop of all that was happening. Small but at the same time strong. How does it feel to skate when something like this happening?

Adeliia Petrosian: In fact, the atmosphere was familiar. I see most of the girls from the strongest warm-ups every day in training, so in this regard, nothing particularly surprising. On the contrary, the audience in the arena gave me strength. I really enjoy performing in front of full stands.

And about being small … Well, I’m already used to it. I like being small.

Like? Why?

Adeliia Petrosian: Well, while I’m in figure skating I definitely like it. It’s convenient (laughs).

Is it easier to jump, or what?

Adeliia Petrosian: Honestly, I’m not sure. In general, now tall, medium and short jump equally well. But they say … Well, now I’m about 140 centimeters tall, I’m comfortable.

Did you worry before the Nationals?

Adeliia Petrosian: Of course, but a little. Before the short program – more, before the free program – less. But everything seems to be like at regular competitions before.

Can you explain where the nerves comes from? You yourself say that you see the strongest girls at your rink every day. In addition, at this Nationals you were not qualifying for the main competitions.

Adeliia Petrosian: Well, some nerves always present. Still you don’t want to embarrass yourself and differ from those who skated cleanly. I wanted to make a statement and so to speak, to make a very good start.

So when you see the girls skating clean, is there additional pressure? After all, you need to go and do at least as good.

Adeliia Petrosian: I try not to watch how the other girls skated. And not to know how much they got. But I still understand that the rivals are preparing and I need to correspond. I can only hear the results if by chance the door (to the ice) opens. Or one of the girls will come up and tell you. But for me it’s better not to hear anything at all – it’s calmer that way.

Imagine if they told you: regardless of your age, you are going to the Olympics. How would you feel?

Adeliia Petrosian: So … I would prepare morally for the European Championships and the Olympics. I probably wouldn’t have felt anything. All the same.

In our group we have such a thing: we always prepare to skate our programs clean. We no longer have a difference for which competitions we are preparing. The process is always the same.

But doesn’t this phrase about “clean skating” have at least a bit of sly? How can you not think about medals before competitions?

Adeliia Petrosian: You know, we all, one might say, fixate on our condition, not on medals. All competitions are more or less the same, but the state can be very different. The most difficult thing is to prepare morally, to set yourself up. Because you can come in great shape, but you will be shaking. But I learned to “get myself together”. Well, for now.

And how?

Adeliia Petrosian: Oh, no, this is my own, personal (laughs).

Let’s at least give people a hint on how to learn how to set up before an important event.

Adeliia Petrosian: There are some things that I started to do before going on the ice. Listen to music, watch something, cheer myself up …


Adeliia Petrosian: Oh, well, no. Just some things that calm down, cheer and help you collect your thoughts. They are actually quite ordinary, but it still helps.

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There is an opinion that it is necessary to make the same rules for the Russian Nationals and international competitions and not allow skaters under 15 to the senior Nationals. Can you describe how you benefit from these competitions? Why are they important for juniors too?

Adeliia Petrosian: It seems to me that for me this is just an opportunity to prove myself. I had no thoughts that some other girls would be there. You think about preparation, train and try to skate clean.

Was there really nothing unusual for you at this championship?

Adeliia Petrosian: Well I lost the habit of skating in front of full stands. I lacked spectators at the Junior Grand Prix, really. And something like that … Oh, well, three coaches were with me this time.

Is it easier with three coaches?

Adeliia Petrosian: I would say more interesting (laughs).

Could you give some details, please?

Adeliia Petrosian: First, Eteri Georgievna. She sets up very well, I really like it. Sergei Viktorovich – he is often with me at competitions. So I’m used to it. Daniil Markovich tries to tell and explain more about the programs – what was left unfinished in step sequence and all that. And Eteri Georgievna follows the whole process, sets you up before the start, calms and helps to skate worthy.

How does she set up? Can you give an example of when Eteri Georgievna did or said something that helped you?

Adeliia Petrosian: Well it doesn’t help on its own… In general, I can say the last phrase that Eteri Georgievna uttered this time: “That’s it, you have 30 seconds – go think, set up and do”. At this moment, she seems to cling to you with her eyes.

I can’t figure out how it works.

Adeliia Petrosian: She’s just a great person. She kind of conveys you a lot of emotions and feelings. You start to feel them and, as if by yourself, you become higher. Then you exhale, you get ready, and these emotions start to carry you. Well, if you prepared yourself correctly too, of course.

She also breathes with you before letting you to the starting position.

You mean those moments when Eteri Georgievna breathes in and out with the skater?

Adeliia Petrosian: Yes. It’s like she’s living with you all the worries. Says: “Let’s breathe together.” Takes you hands – and on the count of “three” we exhale. You know, as if at first you breathe in all your worries, and then abruptly blow them out of yourself. And with a cool head you go to skate.

You say that many emotions comes from Eteri Georgievna …

Adeliia Petrosian:… positive! (Laughs.)

Undoubtedly. Do you think Eteri Georgievna is an emotional person? It’s just that we see from a different side.

Adeliia Petrosian: I think yes. She can hide her emotionality, like many people, but she still has it.

How is it shown?

Adeliia Petrosian: For example, her sense of humor.


Adeliia Petrosian: Gorgeous! (Laughs.)

We really need an example.

Adeliia Petrosian: I think all this should remain in our group. But Eteri Georgievna has really very funny jokes and not at all offensive. Even the parents laugh.

Did you notice that Eteri Georgievna somehow changed before the Russian Nationals? Have become more nervous and angry, or vice versa? Still, the event is rather nervous – the selection for the Olympics.

Adeliia Petrosian: I think no. She has already had so many of these Russian Nationals … It seems to me that this is already familiar to Eteri Georgievna. I could have changed probably, I guess. But still no. Just a little more experience.

Did you see how Alena Kostornaia broke her arm? Isn’t it scary to jump after this, and after the injury of Dasha Usacheva?

Adeliia Petrosian: For some reason I don’t have this at all. For example, I saw Alena’s fall. But I can fall the same way – just the arm will be in a slightly different position, not like hers. Therefore, I jump without thinking that I can break everything for myself.

Do you, in principle, feel fear of jumping?

Adeliia Petrosian: Not those that I already can do. But if they tell me to do quadruple lutz, then it will be a little scary. On the other hand, you can learn it too. You just need to adjust and rotate yourself faster.

Speaking about jumps. How does it feel to be cooler than men?

Adeliia Petrosian: I don’t feel better than men! (Laughs.)

None of them have jumped two quadruple loops in one program yet. You’re the first.

Adeliia Petrosian: But they have so many quadruple lutz, flips. Also loops, toe loops in the second half of the program. Triple axel, which is the worst for me in general. I don’t feel cooler than men even after two quadruple loops.

Why doesn’t axel work out?

Adeliia Petrosian: It’s the most difficult. I have not succeeded at all so far. But when there is more time, we will definitely return to it. It seems to me that it is very necessary, many girls are jumping. And I also really want to learn it.

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You said that when you got into Eteri Georgievna’s group, you were afraid of her.

Adeliia Petrosian: A little.


Adeliia Petrosian: Let’s say, before her I was in a little bit different world. Eteri Georgievna was a completely unattainable person for me. I didn’t understand how is it to come, to train with her, so that she would correct something for you … So, I wasn’t afraid, it was rather an admiration, awe.

Is it like to take a picture with your idol?

Adeliia Petrosian: Oh, it’s not the same at all (laughs). Here you have to sort of offer yourself.

When did you offer?

Adeliia Petrosian: March 14, 2019. It was Thursday.


Adeliia Petrosian: In our group, almost everyone remembers the date when they came to “Khrustalny”.

And how was it?

Adeliia Petrosian: Then Sergei Aleksandrovich Rozanov was still working. Mom called him and asked if it was possible to come for a try out. We were allowed. We came – at that moment our group had a choreography class. I warmed up on my own and went on the ice. And suddenly – she comes, Eteri Georgievna.

At first I didn’t understand what to do next when the training was over. Because usually they tell you something, give instructions. And here it turned out that if they don’t tell you anything, then you just go and train further. Other guys told me about it. Then I asked Sergei Viktorovich so that I wouldn’t be in a situation “What are you doing here at all?”

Does Eteri Georgievna give any special tasks at the try out?

Adeliia Petrosian: At first she watches how you jump yourself. And what you can do not on instructions, but on your own. It seems to me that at the first training session I didn’t have any special tasks. At the second training session, we were told to jump triple jumps. Then the whole group worked on tasks.

Did they take you straight away?

Adeliia Petrosian: I wouldn’t say that. For a long time I did not know at all if I would be in the group. Then we had the first training camp, and they told me that I was going. In principle, then I realized that I was most likely taken. Then I found out that they would do programs for me, which means that soon I will have competitions.

That is, you smoothly joined the team?

Adeliia Petrosian: It was difficult at first, of course. I needed to adjust to this system, to understand how it works. And at that time I was nothing at all (laughs). I had to adjust to the frantic rhythm, for me it was unusual.

But didn’t you came to the group with all the triples?

Adeliia Petrosian: Yes.

And you say there was nothings.

Adeliia Petrosian: I had a problem – to show it all at the start. I was inconsistent. And you won’t surprise anyone with triples in a group where all work on quads and do combinations 3-3-3. And then, it often happened to me that instead of a triple I did a double. Somewhere I just fell. To skate the entire program is another story. But through joint efforts, we have made progress.

My most vivid memory about you is how you said at the junior championships last year that you were preparing for an interview in advance. A very professional approach for such a young age.

Adeliia Petrosian: Oh, well, it was only in my first interviews, to be honest. I didn’t know what to expect, I was very worried. Now this is much easier.

Who is your favorite skater?

Adeliia Petrosian: When I was little, Zhenya Medvedeva skated. I watched her programs so many times. She amazed me with her stability, I wanted to skate just as reliably and beautifully. So my favorite figure skater is Zhenya.

By the way, you are often compared to her. They say that you are similar both in appearance and to some extent in the style of skating. What do you think about this? And did you discuss this with Zhenya?

Adeliia Petrosian: (Laughs) We didn’t discuss it with Zhenya, of course. They have been telling me about this for many years, and at some point I myself believed that we were alike. But the style of skating, as it seems to me, is still different.

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What do you dream about? In sports and in life.

Adeliia Petrosian: In sports, I would like to be remembered by people. And one day to skate a very strong and beautiful program. And outside of sports … You know, it seems to me that I don’t really dream of anything.

Well, I can’t help but ask about the quote on your Instagram. I don’t often meet 14-year-old girls who know Pasternak.

Adeliia Petrosian: Oh, there is such a story! (Laughs.) At one competitions, when I was 12 years old, my coach started reading this poem to me. It seems like he was trying to set me up for skating this way. And it so happened that another girl was already finishing her program, I had to go on the ice, but he continues to read the poem by heart. By the way he did it very nicely!

It amazed me so much, and I skated well. Then the coach asked me to memorize this poem, which I did. And when I was creating a page on Instagram, my mother said that I can write something about myself. And I immediately came up with this phrase: “The purpose of creativity is self-giving.”

Is that your motto?

Adeliia Petrosian: I think not. Perhaps this is just something that would be good to come to.


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