Alena Kostornaia: “I’m not allowed to comment on anything.”
Posted on 2021-12-14 • 3 comments
Alena Kostornaia about her injury.
Alena, can I ask you what happened, what kind of injury?
Alena Kostornaia: I will not say anything.
That is, journalists will again be accused of spreading rumors? It is logical to ask you, you know best of all.
Alena Kostornaia: I am not allowed to comment on anything.
Related topics: Alena Kostornaia
ISU needs to have mandatory limits/requirements for safe training of athletes who haven’t gone through their adolescent growth spurt. And not allowing an athlete to comment on THEIR OWN LIFE???? Communism hold strong in Russia.
So sorry for Alena. The girl is so exceptionally talented and beautiful to watch, but was struggling this season and the last, for her relationship with the coaching team, and her grown and injured body. It saddened me when I heard her saying “ I am not allowed…”. Hope she recovers and comes back strong next season. Most importantly, hope she will be healthy and happy – support her for whatever choice she makes for her life.
I hope Alena writes a “tell all” book about Eteri’s training methods. She needs to be exposed.