Evgenia Medvedeva: “I had my first love, it ended ugly. In a difficult moment, right after the Olympics, he told me in plain text: thank you, I don’t need you anymore.”

Posted on 2021-12-02 • 15 comments


Evgenia Medvedeva in the video interview with her Ice Age partner Danya Milokhin told about her Olympics, retirement and personal life. Partly translated.

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About the emotions after performing at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, where she won silver

How long did it take after the Olympics to let it go?

Evgenia Medvedeva: 3.5 (years). Danya (Milokhin) can tell what an uptight person I was, I was afraid to say something. Danya helped me to open up, I stopped sweating. I’m still bothering, I’m crazy.

I let it go when I saw that figure skating was completely different. The sport I was in is completely different. The setting, people, elements, people were completely different. I realized that that sport would never return. That time was the coolest for me.

I really liked the Olympics. Everything after that was difficult, let’s skip this topic. But at the Olympics itself, in the Olympic village, you feel like you won in life. If someone asked do you want to come back and repeat the Olympics? I would say 100% yes. It was really cool.

source: Makarena youtube channel, text version sports.ru

Even if it ended the same way? This is a strong disappointment.

Evgenia Medvedeva: Strong disappointment. I don’t care. It was very cool for me, I skated a free program – I had never felt such freedom. This is probably the state of Zen that every athlete strives for, but not everyone achieves. This 4 minutes I wasn’t thinking about the program, movements, I was thinking about life.

I do the step sequence in the middle of the program, I look around and ask myself: do you understand that you are at the Olympics? And I say yes. Such a small interview with myself.

The Olympics are like tough, scary, the whole world is watching. You’re scared? No, not at all. And if in the second half you just lie down and wipe the ice like ice resurfacer machine? I do not care.

At that moment as an athlete I was the happiest. Not from a human point of view, but as an athlete – I reached this peak. Like in the “Black Swan” movie – dance and die. It was about the same. I can’t say that it was the best evening then, but the best 4 minutes of my life for sure.

About ending sports career

Evgenia Medvedeva: I hate it all – come, sit down and say: “I made the decision to end my sports career.” And it begins: ahh, how can it be, why are you doing that, but you don’t understand at all!

How many times I’ve seen this and how many times I did not like it, I felt bad for the athlete. Because the attacks start: why, but we are your fans. Fans, cool, super, I love you, but sometimes you have a very painful perception of my personal decision.

My health has done a lot of work in this regard. I had big back problems, they were also at the Olympics, and after – I recovered for a long time. My back does not turn to one side. Right side – please, but all the jumps are jumped in that direction, to the left. It already doesn’t turn to that side, it has grown like that.

I can painlessly jump only salchow, perhaps also toe loop, but not always. Flip, lutz I don’t jump in principle: friends, you need to go there with a shoulder – it doesn’t work for me, purely physically. I love these jumps, but … Perhaps the age minimum will be raised to 25 – and I can go and try something.

But I am not saying goodbye to figure skating. In my life now there is 350 times more figure skating than it was in sports. I don’t get off the ice, and it’s cool. I can jump – but not at competitions, but in shows. Relatives and close people worried that I would disappear from figure skating. But nothing like that, friends. You didn’t call me, but I’m here.

Figure skating is my life, I can’t imagine myself without ice and skates. I truly live now, I can invest life energy. Yes, I have panic attacks, I faint from fainting, but I like it.

source: Makarena youtube channel, text version sports.ru

About personal life

Evgenia Medvedeva: I had my first love, quite strong. I cannot give a name, it is not necessary … (To Milokhin) Shut up, please, please, shut up!

Milokhin (narrowing his eyes with his fingers): He …

Evgenia Medvedeva: ### (damn), disgusting hint, let’s cut it out. No hints needed. It ended four years ago, I don’t want to bring that up. When you are from 16 to 18 years old, and you fall in love for the first time, think that’s it, you can’t even imagine that you can love more and stronger.

It all ended ugly, the Olympics ended. And in a difficult moment, when Olympics passed, right after it, a person did this. And just in plain text: thank you, I don’t need you anymore, everything is cool in my life and without you, bye!

We were together for almost two years, and after that I almost killed myself (Evgenia used a slang word with literely mean “hang yourself” but probably wanted to say that she felt very very bad). Because, damn it, I was worried about everything that happens in life. And now I understand: was it love? Well, strong sympathy or something.

I realized that it sucks when you love a person and see him perfect. You can’t see him perfect. Because if he’s perfect for you, it’s some kind of complete crap. You should see disadvantages, love must be conscious.

If you have a partner, you need to talk to him about the moments that do not suit you. Because it accumulates in me, and then I explode with such shit that, it seems to me, people do not want to communicate with me. My views on relationships have changed a lot. And I realized that family now…bro … well, no, not now.

source: Makarena youtube channel, text version sports.ru


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15 Responses to “Evgenia Medvedeva: “I had my first love, it ended ugly. In a difficult moment, right after the Olympics, he told me in plain text: thank you, I don’t need you anymore.””

  1. Cat says:

    Shit, maybe it really is Yuzuru.

    I never really care about their ship at all, but I’m a fan of Med. And when I watched a video of her and Yuzuru together in the 2019 Skate Canada gala, they were so cold to each other, not interacting at all. I found it strange back then since I thought they had a good relationship and fans were always shipping them.

    Also a comment above says that she did delete all photos of him a while after the olympics…

    Damn, maybe they really did date…

  2. Eleonoire says:

    Oh Please! First of all Yuzuru gave a cute answer once he was asked who could be his ideal girl. He said the person you fall in love becomes your ideal girl. He mentioned Asiatic look when he was just a teenager and that sounds normal. I’m West European and some years ago I would have said “w.european boy” . That is because you are used to what you see around. It is not racism. When you grow up you understand that the only answer can be the Yuzuru’s one and that is the person you fall in love. About a love story between Evgenja ad Yuzu, forget it. They are still friends. About the crash, it would have been with Misha Ge and there were rumours about as Misha was much older. But they went on one or 2 years. Misha was born in Moskow but he is Uzbek.

  3. Eleonoire says:

    Oh Please! First of all Yuzuru gave a cute answer once he was asked who could be his ideal girl. He said the person you fall in love becomes your ideal girl. He mentioned Asiatic look when he was just a teenager and that sound normal. I’m West European and some years ago I would have said “w.european boy” . That is because you are used to what you see around. It is not racism. When you grow up you understand that the only answer can be the Yuzuru’s one and that is is the person you fall in love. About a love story between Evgenja ad Yuzu, forget it. They are still friends. About the crash, it was with Misha Ge and there were rumours about as Misha was much older. But they went on one or 2 years. Misha was born in Moskow but he is Uzbek.

  4. Lina says:

    I don’t think she was talking about Yuzuru (I’m guessing he’s not the only Asian man she knows), that being said, I do understand why people would think this is the case: They were always very friendly!

    There’s the age difference, which wouldn’t be a problem IF they both were a couple years older. If we know something about him, is how uptight he is about ‘correctness’ and I’ll just say, most people like this, tend to extend those character traits into every single aspect of their lives! ^^

    With this, I’m not saying he’s some angel-saint-robot like many people out there want to believe, but I just don’t think he would go for it even if he wanted to…He had way too much to lose at that moment!

    In the end, I do understand why people believed they did have something at some point: She did delete all his pictures around the same time AND she never actually said the word NO ‘just like that’, when questioned… And his response to the whole mess didn’t help either. I remember he fell into this diatribe about how he had ‘heard some rumors’ but then he thought they were referring to some YH from another dimension’ Blah, blah, blah; when he could have just said “HELLNO!” And be as assertive as possible. I never liked their answers to all this, it just helped create more doubts than anything else!

    But oh well, if they actually did share a relationship, it wouldn’t surprise me at all, after all; isn’t it ‘legal’ to both of them since Japan’s age of consent is so low and Russia’s is 16 or something like that?
    Sometimes i have to remind myself to never trust anyone just because I idolize them… <\3

  5. kamm says:

    it’s def not yuzuru,
    he’s like 5 years older than her…
    also, at that the time she was a freaking minor? 17 years old and he was like 23 or something.

  6. friendly translator says:

    hi guys, those who think she was dating yuzu, if you watch the actual interview, the interview talks about how girls get hate by fans if they are shipped with popular japanese figure skaters. Evgenia replies that like she, Yuzu and Misha Ge had a friendly trio relationship, but that it fell apart because of fan shipping! So based on context, nope she definitely wasn’t dating yuzu. You can watch the interview from 13:17, use the caption auto-translate function. Peace out and continue to support Med!

  7. friendly translator says:

    hi guys, those who think she was dating yuzu, if you watch the actual interview, the interview talks about how girls get hate by fans if they are shipped with popular japanese figure skaters. Evgenia replies that like she, Yuzu and Misha Ge had a friendly trio relationship, but that it fell apart because of fan shipping! So based on context, nope she definitely wasn’t dating yuzu. You can watch the interview from 13:17, use the caption auto-translate function. Peace out and continue to support Med!

  8. Lili nouwa says:

    It’s without a doubt yuzuru it seems that she still affected bye it she talked many times about that relationship and how it was hard for her, she needs to get over it

  9. James Plank says:

    It’s obviously yuzuru people. And so what if somebody narrowed their eyes. That isn’t racism. It’s just what Asian people look like. Get over it

  10. andy lillis says:

    Guys, stop deducing things… she didn’t say any names and Yuzuru isn’t the only Asian person in the world… She was a minor at the time and from what little we know about Yuzuru he would never have romantic relationships with minors, that’s disgusting. She has already made it clear several times that she is just a fan and Yuzuru has already said that he is only focused on his career and wants to focus on that only in the future, also he only has preferences for Japanese girls. (sorry for my english :])

  11. Cynthia says:

    I’m pretty sure it’s not Yuzuru cause this happened right after the Olympics when Evgenia also when to Brian Orser to train, where Yuzuru also trains – so I guess if it was Yuzuru she probably wouldn’t have wanted to go to Brian Orser?

  12. bobby says:

    Please, give the link of the second part where she talks about Yuzuru.

  13. Mika says:

    not sure if it’s yuzuru she’s talking about but if it is, kinda disturbing to me coz she was only 18? and yuzuru is like 5 years older than her. and if it’s not, this guy is being racist as hell regardless

  14. Mel says:

    She is not. This is the first part of the video. She talks about Hanyu in the second part.

  15. lili says:

    is she talking about yuzuru?
    also this man god he showed his racist side with the “narrowing eyes”
    even zhenya was disgusted

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