Daniil Gleikhengauz: “Bolero will become Valieva’s Olympic free program”
Posted on 2021-02-04 • 5 comments
Daniil Gleikhengauz announced that Kamila Valieva will keep the “Bolero” free program for the Olympic season.

Daniil Gleikhengauz: Bolero will become Valieva’s program also in the Olympic season. In my opinion, we are doing pretty well keeping the program for the Olympic season, like with Alina’s Don Quixote.
source: rsport.ria.ru
Well, is anyone surprised? :)
Related topics: Daniil Gleichengauz, Kamila Valieva
If they really want to keep a program they should keep the SP ! That one is lovely.
Told you that Kamila is the new Alina!
However, not every cycle works as a copy paste algorithm. Alina’s red ballerina was superb, I loved even the controversial all jumps in second half. So it worked keeping the program (or music) for 2 years.
Kamila’s Bolero? No. Simply, no matter how hard you try to sell this move – what’s the point? Kamila’s sp is divine, her fs was seen even at most only as a necessary transition piece to make Kamila a better skater overall. But the program is rushed, emotionless and… over used. Uninspired choice.
Sadly, the scores don’t reflect this reality.
Nooo, why??!! This is a frantic choreographed program. Half of the time she does not even go with the actual pace of the music because she has to hit so many transitions that Dannil inserted. UGH, The fact that she is flexible and has good extensions does not make her a god-like status skater! Her combos are always scratchy as she pulls after each jump to muscle the last jump. Her edges are not clear and skating skills need work. Her spins are looking more frantic and her expression is the same baby scary face. She has tons of potential but it doesn’t help if half a nation are brainwashed into thinking that she is already a god. UGH.
Oh no…
I mean I really don’t like how this program is choreographed, imo it’s way to fast and chaotic and I don’t understand this program.
Let’s hope, she’ll improve it with time…
But wait ! The judges already think it is unfathomably perfect. Just look at the PCS…
With this choreography? Oh, my dear!