Stanislava Konstantinova: “I try to ignore well-wishers who advise to end my careers due to lack of prospects.”
Interview with Stanislava Konstantinova. About leaving Plushenko’s Academy, start working with Viktoria Butsaeva and her motivation to continue skating.
source: dd. 26th January 2021

Under the guidance of Valentina Chebotareva, you have gone the way from a beginner to a participant of the World and European Championships. What was the motivation for switching to the “Angels Plushenko”?
Stanislava Konstantinova: It’s even a little strange to talk about it after a year. We worked together with Valentina Mikhailovna for a very long time, and at some point I felt that we were at a dead end.
Do you regret spending a season at Plushenko’a Academy?
Stanislava Konstantinova: I don’t tend to regret something. This is a position in life. Transfer is not a reason for regrets at all. I am very pleased that I trained with Alexander Sergeevich Volkov and Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko. It was an invaluable experience for me. I have changed everything dramatically! At first, it was like a cold shower, they helped me to get into optimal shape in a short time. I have never worked the way I worked in Moscow. I became more disciplined. The new coaches emphasized that one should not focus on failures, but rather concentrate on the training process. Sometimes, after two full run-through, they forced me to do the third one. Although sometimes I didn’t have the strength.
Did you have to change the jumping technique and how close were the artistic images for the new programs?
Stanislava Konstantinova: We had to change a lot in technique. I learned to do almost every jump anew. Although after a year I understand that it is no longer possible to radically change everything at my age, as well as to return to the old technique. I try to find something in between. If we talk about programs, the task of the new team was to show me from an unexpected side. It was a pity to say goodbye to my favorite programs, but I couldn’t skate Anna Karenina for the fourth season. I think that I could perform my favorite “February”, but I had to try something new. At the same time, no one was going to put someone else’s image on me. It was necessary to show the new Konstantinova. I didn’t even expect it to be so easy and pleasant.
Is it possible to complicate the content of the programs at 20 years old?
Stanislava Konstantinova: Nothing is impossible. All skaters go through a transitional age. I try to ignore the conversations of well-wishers who advise to end my careers due to lack of prospects. I believe that I can still show decent skating, and I work for this.
Do you have any specific goals in terms of results in competitions?
Stanislava Konstantinova: Now I started working with a sports psychologist to develop motivation for performances. For me, the opportunity to improve is more important than titles and prize money. I realized that I really like figure skating! And not only performances at competitions, but also hard work in training. I understand that clean skates need to be shown at competitions. Practice session champions are of no interest to anyone.
Have you ever received an offer to switch to ice dance?
Stanislava Konstantinova: I have, but I don’t think it was about serious prospects. Two of my best friends in the world of figure skating are both ice dancers. We discussed a possible change of discipline and came to the conclusion that ice dance is definitely not for me. I skate chaotically and selfishly, but with a partner this will not work. It is unlikely that he will appreciate my impulses.
You very diplomatically parted with Angels of Plushenko, but many felt that behind the exquisite expressions there was a resentment that after the arrival of Alexandra Trusova and Alena Kostornaia, the academy’s coaches turned their attention to them …
Stanislava Konstantinova: In no case should you look for any subtext in my words. I didn’t feel a lack of attention from the coaches at Angels of Plushenko. Having strong competitors in the group only motivates and energizes. Especially those like Trusova and Kostornaia. We did not have trainings together, but it is impossible not to notice how Alexandra works on the ice. She works very hard! She is always driving to perform quadruple jumps in training. I was just delighted with such efficiency.
Why, then, did you decide to leave?
Stanislava Konstantinova: Now the main rink of “Angels of Plushenko” is Gorki in the Moscow region. A new skating rink was built there, but Volkov’s group did not move there. The conditions for training have changed, there is less ice now.
While training in Moscow, you continued to represent St. Petersburg. At the same time, you did not receive the salary which get the members of the national team and the leading figure skaters of the city.
Stanislava Konstantinova: Moving to Moscow was solely my decision, and all the costs were on me. Parents helped, but I pay for accommodation and training myself. All the prize money from the past seasons were spent on this. And continued to be spending.
Knowing about your decision to leave, Plushenko nevertheless gave you the opportunity to perform with one of the main roles in the Swan Lake show …
Stanislava Konstantinova: I Knew about this offer even before the start of the Russian Championship in Chelyabinsk. It has nothing to do with the decision to change my sports destiny.
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