‘Eteri Georgievna and I are doing well’ Evgenia Medvedeva about her return to Tutberidze

Posted on 2020-09-16 • 3 comments


Evgenia Medvedeva about her return to Eteri Tutberidze.

photo Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP, rg.ru

Evgenia Medvedeva: I am very grateful to Brian for the work done. At the moment, I am just insanely grateful for his understanding – he treated my decision with the deepest understanding and approval.

We kept a good warm relationship, no conflicts. I’m glad it happened.

Eteri Georgievna and I are doing well: we met, talked, and started work today. We’ll see.

channel 1, text version by sports.ru


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3 Responses to “‘Eteri Georgievna and I are doing well’ Evgenia Medvedeva about her return to Tutberidze”

  1. Renate says:

    When I read the comment of Gleichengaus, then I must say: Jewgenia, dream on! If Eteri had a better feeling for an extraordinary programm, and had respect for the work of good (the best) choreographers, then she would not permitt, that these programms get into the hands of Gleichengaus for flattening. But as good she is, it must be a loss for the unic beauty of a special programm. If it is so, then nothing could be done, they will dismantle it.

  2. Charles says:

    Bottom line is the rules need to change so in order to compete you have to be 18 or older. If you can quad at 18 great, wonderful, amazing go for it. It is the fact the younger girls (children) have an advantage and it doesn’t make sense to reward children and then when the become adults (1 or 2 years later) they are already too old to compete. Stop it. Now. Stop.

  3. Carolina says:

    Yes, we will see. Happy about a kind of reconciliation. Deep inside I’ m convinced, that both- Eteri and Jewgenia- know and understand each other so well- also the strong earlier emotional reactions on both sites- that this is a forgiveness. I wish both peace and joy. (Or am I wrong Eteri? Jewgenia loved you deeply, she felt betrayed by you). Perhaps the deep feelings are aeay- perhaps not. You goal is the same. Strategy and tactic is not only in politics. If I did not like Brian so much, I would be happy and hapoy.

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