“Seems we have a law not to testify against our family” Daniil Gleikhengauz about Alina Zagitova
Posted on 2020-09-12 • No comments yet
Daniil Gleikhengauz expressed his opinion on the plans and prospects of the Olympic champion Alina Zagitova.
by Olga Ermolina for fsrussia.ru dd.12th September 2020

Daniil Gleikhengauz: Seems we have a law not to testify against our family. Alina is like family to us. And even if I disagree with her at some points, I will always be on her side, I will support her. Probably, I’m still closer to the fans who are waiting for Alina, and I also want her to perform and skate. And I still think that she can do it, she just has to want it herself.
Related topics: Alina Zagitova, Daniil Gleichengauz
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