Tatiana Tarasova: Unfortunately, we do a lot without rules
Tatiana Tarasova commented on Alena Kostornaia transfer to Plushenko’s Academy.

Tatiana Tarasova: Kostornaia leaving Tutberidze’s group? Eteri has an amazing result throughout many Olympic Games, World Championships, European Championships! It’s sad, but I think she will survive this, another generation will grow up, then the third one and fourth. Eteri is a coach for a long.
by sport24.ru
Previously, Ilia Averbukh expressed the opinion that Kostornaia should be suspended for a season for changing the coach outside the transfer window.
Tatiana Tarasova: My position is that you cannot change a coach. But suspension is too much. It happened! Suspending the European champion for the whole season is more trouble than it’s worth!
This does not mean that they should not do what is written in the rules. But, unfortunately, we do a lot without rules.
by sport24.ru
Related topics: Alena Kostornaia, Eteri Tutberidze, Tatiana Tarasova
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