Alexandra Trusova: It’s impossible to hold World Championships without spectators
Interview with Alexandra Trusova. About new programs and plans for the future.
by Dmitri Kuznetsov for dd. 6th April 2020

Sasha, first of all, how do you survive the current regime of self-isolation?
– We moved to a country house, we are lucky, we have a large plot where you can walk with dogs and family. I rarely spend time with brothers during the season, usually I travel with my mother everywhere. Now, because of the current situation I spend more time with my family. We are definitely not bored. I train, but mostly at home or jump in the yard, I need to keep myself in shape.
For the full collection you lack a medal of senior world championships. What did you feel when it was canceled?
– First I could not believe it for a long time. I didn’t know what should happen in order to cancel something in figure skating. At first I could not believe it, then I was upset, because I was well prepared, I wanted to show better skating than at previous competitions. There was a feeling that the season has not ended yet.
How to deal with disappointment? Still, you posted on Instagram a great program with five quads.
– I can’t say that there was a huge disappointment. I have a big family, a lot of animals, everyone supports me (smiles). I spend time with them, I feel good.
In your opinion, could the championships have been held in those conditions, at least without spectators?
– I think no. The decision is right, it seems to me. How to held it without spectators? They give support, it is very important, it is nice to see them in the stands.
There is an idea to hold it in the autumn, what do you think?
– When they canceled, I thought – yes, it would be nice to hold it in October, after all we have already qualified, I didn’t want to miss such a competitions. But now I don’t know. After all, it is not known how long this situation will last.
How do you spend this time? We can see that you train, but what else? Movies, computer games?
– Basically I am preparing for the OGE (Basic State Exam for Schoolchildren – ed). Of course, it was postponed, but there was little time to study in the season. I tried, and thanks to the teachers for studying with me during their after hours. And now we are also actively preparing. So I read books, prepare for exam, less often watch TV.
What do you read?
– Agatha Christie, detectives, all kinds of fantasy.
Your main advantage is quads. I saw a triple axel on the floor, but is it really possible to train a quadruple at home?
– Axel – this is three and a half turns, that is, it seems almost possible. But I tried more than three and a half, turns a little more. And this is axel, which is easier to jump on the floor than on ice, well personally for me. And all the other jumps are harder. So I can’t do quads on the floor.
So this self-isolation hits you harder than your competitors. They can train triples.
– No, it’s bad for everyone. No matter how much you jump on the floor, the sensations on the ice are forgotten. Everything is completely different there. It is hard for us all to keep our shape without ice.
Are you scared because of situation with the virus?
– I have not felt fear yet. We are in the country house with family, almost nothing has changed, only we don’t go anywhere. And no training.
Any ideas about next season’s programs? You had the “Game of Thrones”, now there is a lot of time to watch TV shows, maybe you liked some?
– We haven’t thought about this yet, there was no time. Usually, when we spend it on ice, Daniil Markovich listens to music, look for options. Everyone is sitting at home now so there are no ideas.
Are there any preferences? At the last show you skated new program in a new dress, can you tell us more about it?
– It was my coaches’ idea, they offered me a lyrical program. I wanted to try something in this style. Seems it have turned out pretty well … I definitely enjoyed skating it.
Can it become your new short program? Was it a plan?
– There was no plan yet. But perhaps next season I will have lyrical programs.
Even at that show you tried triple axel. Does this mean that it is the main jump you need to learn for the next season?
– I need to jump it consistently. While I can’t always do it right. I learned it, but for me it still remains the most difficult. And one more task – next season all quads should also be consistent.
What mark would you give for the past season?
– B
Are you dissatisfied with something?
– Sure.
The reason is bronze medals at the decisive competitions, did you count on more?
– I just did not skate my program the way I wanted. I wanted to make five clean quads in the free program this season, so far I managed to do only four. So this will be the goal for next season.
Did your parents commented on the latest performances? Do they give advice?
– Dad is an athlete, he always gives advice on how to focus, how to train. Mom understands everything in figure skating, she is present at every training session, and prompts after training. I’m primarily a daughter for them, therefore they support me.
After the free program at the Russian Nationals, you had tears in your eyes, but already at the press conference you were positive. How did you manage to recover so quickly?
– I have a lot of support. After the Russian Nationals, many told me not to cry anymore. At the entrance, probably everyone came with the words: “Don’t upset us like that anymore.” (smiles) In general, I think that you shouldn’t show your emotions in public.
What did Eteri Georgievna she say in the locker room?
– Well, what could she say? That there were mistakes, that we will work more and skate more.
Twice at the Grand Prix stages you competed with Evgenia Medvedeva, whom you called your role model. Did you have a chance to speak?
– Of course, we communicate, always when we see each other. Moreover, when she was training with Eteri Georgievna, we shared a room in Novogorsk, then we talked a lot.
At the same Russian Nationals, Evgenia had to withdraw because of a broken boot. From your own experience, is it real to skate with broken skates?
– I can’t say, because I don’t know where exactly they broke, how exactly they broke. Of course, you can’t skate in broken skates because you can be injured. Zhenya must have done the right thing.
I talked with your school teacher and she said that the children-athletes “have no golden childhood”. Do you agree that you do not have enough free time, leisure?
– I don’t understand what “golden childhood” means. I had a very good childhood, I always did what I wanted, I can ride all types of transport – a bicycle, a scooter, rollers, skateboard, what else do we have?
– Yes. (laughs) I have gadgets, scooters. In general, my life is unusual, not like the life of others. I travel a lot, see all the possible countries. And I really like it, I wouldn’t have changed that.
You said about childhood in the past tense. Turns out that you already feel not as a child, but as an adult?
– Well, if you count by the standards of figure skating, I already skate in seniors. So, of course, I consider myself an adult. Moreover, I have two younger brothers. And two dogs I myself take care of.
After the Russian Nationals, only three of our best representatives participate in big competitions. Would you like to have another competition with all Russian skaters, with a prize pool? Because the rest is actually has nothing to do after the New Year.
– Maybe some other competitions could be held. But not after the World Championships, because after we begin to learn quadruples. Between the European and Worlds, it’s possible I think.
You said that at the end of the season you will learn the quad loop. Have you started, maybe there have been successful attempts?
– No, no, I did not have time to try that. There were junior competitions, Sergei Dudakov and Sergei Rozanov traveled through them. Mostly they work with a harness, it was impossible to start without it. They were absent, so I could not try.
Have you seen a video of a Korean Young You’s successful attempt?
– I saw it, but everything is very vague and unclear there. Of course, I watch such things.
Does it motivate to start working on it faster, to be the first who jumps it at competitions?
– Of course, I want to learn it quickly, be the first who makes it, but unfortunately I can’t even start learning so far.
In general, how many years would you like to compete?
– Till the age of 22. We’ll see, but there were such thoughts.
And what next?
– Then three children, two girls and a boy, as I want. And of course, I will have a lot of dogs.
Related topics: Alexandra Trusova
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