Tatiana Tarasova: All this talks that girls should finish with learning ultra-c elements are terrible nonsense!
Tatiana Tarasova about the results of junior ladies short program at the Grand Prix Final 2019.
by Elena Diyachkova for rsport.ria.ru dd December 5th, 2019.
Alysa Liu – 1st, Daria Usacheva – 2d and Ksenia Sinitsyna -3rd.

Tatiana Tarasova: Everything is fair. It is clear that not only we learn the ultra-c jumps. All this talk about that girls should finish with learning 3.5 axels and quadruples, all this is terrible nonsense! We need to learn everything, because juniors from several countries are already jumping it. If we linger, then all would be lost. Therefore, (Eteri) Tutberidze and now all the other coaches who work with juniors are doing the right thing. Therefore, all these conversations are an exercise in futility! And we must understand that if we don’t do that, we will lose in the coming years, like we lost the short program today.
Did Liu won only because of 3,5 axel? Of course! Tomorrow (in the free program) she will jump two quadruple lutzes. And those who say that it is not necessary to learn the ultra-c elements are pests, people who either do not understand due to their incompetence, or simply want to harm. You can’t stop, you just have to go forward.
Related topics: Alysa Liu, junior grand prix, Tatiana Tarasova
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