Stanislava Konstantinova: I want to become a star, it motivates me
Stanislava Konstantinova told about her path in figure skating.
video interview on Channel 1

How she started doing figure skating
Parents brought me to the ice rink, because in childhood I often got sick. Adult girls skated there and I was 6 years old. Then I got to the figure skating academy, thanks to Valentina Mikhailovna Chebotareva for taking me. Even now mom sometimes says that she was shocked when Chebotareva took me. In a year, Valentina Mikhailovna made of me something more or less suitable for the level of the St. Petersburg Academy of Figure Skating.
At first I lagged very far behind. I had terrible spins, and to improve, I took a two-hour spin lessons on Sundays. After a year, I began to spin at a good level. I also lagged behind a bit in basic skating skills: I skated well and fast, but there were falls out of the blue. But probably that’s a given if you start late.
About unpleasant cases in sports
It happened that they poured water into my shoes, threw out new sneakers, hid the keys to the locker. Such children’s pranks. It didn’t bother me much.
A couple of years ago I came to the Russian championship well prepared, but I had a big problem – a huge bloody callus on my leg. I couldn’t stand on my right foot, I did all the jumps through hellish pain. The only thing that helped was a small piece of silicone. I put it on a sore spot, tied a bunch of sponges, wrapped everything with tape. Before the competitions, I was absent for just a second, leaving my things unattended, and when I returned, I realized that there was no silicone. Someone just set me up having seen my bloody callus, and stole my silicone.
About injuries
Health put sticks in wheels, because of this I could not debut well at 15 years old. I’ve been skating for a long time with a sore knee. At first there was something serious with a cruciate ligament; I trained for six months in a knee pad. We began to treat the knee, but as I continued to skate, there was not much progress.
And then menisci began to hurt on both legs. For three months I went to training and just did spins, although it was also insanely painful.
Many thanks to Valentina Chebotareva that at that moment she did not begin to rush me. I understand that now I’m generally a healthy athlete, because then they gave me time.
About healthy eating
Probably, my body is still hasn’t formed completely yet. When you are 19, it becomes harder to do sports in general. Stretching, flexibility go away, the back begins to hurt, chronic problems start to bother. You must constantly do a lot of work – stretching, running, exercise therapy. All day I do such things for my own self.
Weight is a separate issue. My daily routine is planned to maintain health and weight. You need to control how much water you drink, the quality of food, the number of meals. Thanks to my parents for supporting me – we have healthy nutrition at home.
About motivation
I want to become a star, it motivates me. Popularity, shows, contracts come when there is a result in sports. Now I give all my strength to achieve a result.
My problem was that I didn’t show my maximum. I haven’t a performance, after which I would say to myself: “Wow, Stasya, you’re a star.” It is necessary to cultivate character, to be more rigid towards oneself, more courageous.
Related topics: Stanislava Konstantinova
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