Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov: We always try to cheer up each other

Posted on 2017-03-07 • 1 comment


Translation of the short interview with Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov.

Did the gold of the European Championship come as a surprise? The competition at this championships was very strong? When you were going to this competition, did you think that victory would be yours?

Vladimir: We were striving for this.

Evgenia: Competition was really very strong. After the Grand Prix Final, which we won, there also was a serious competition, we went to the European Championships with more confidence. We did our job.

You were in the lead after the short program, did you have a feeling that you’re half way there.

Evgenia: Of course not. You can’t relax after the short program. We already had such experience and we understood that tomorrow will be a new day and new challenges.

In single skating, everything is clear: you are responsible only for yourself. And what pair skaters do when one of the partners feels badly?

Vladimir: We always try to calm each other, to cheer up. To control each other.

Evgenia: We are in different locker rooms before going on the ice. We usually perform third, fourth. There is always time to take a breath, time to warm up. When I already put on skates, go to the ice, I look at Vova. He always has a confident look, there is no feeling that he is nervous. It adds me confidence.

Vladimir: If the excitement appears, then we manage to hide it. If one worries on the ice, the second will definitely support.

A girl in figure skating shouldn’t gain weight. What do you eat, what kind of diet do you have?

Evgenia: I don’t have any special diets, just healthy food. We are in such age that we understand why we need all this. That’s up to you: you know everything about yourself. We don’t have such situations when the partner says that you are too heavy.

Vladimir: You can’t put on extra kilos, it affects jumps, etc. There is no special diet. Of course, I limit myself in harmful, fatty foods, but there are no rigid diets.

Vladimir, as far as I know, you should not have gotten into figure skating?

Vladimir: Yes, parents were planning to engage me in hockey, but I did not pass by age. We were told “Go and learn at least how to skate.” I also wasn’t taken to the figure skating school and I started to skate in the “health group”. Skated three times a week for 45 minutes at 6:30 in the morning. I liked it, well, there we go.



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One response to “Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov: We always try to cheer up each other”

  1. Mad for Skating says:

    I like them a lot, they seem like such nice and reasonable people. They have the solid Volosozhar/Trankov skills, and if you can put those tricks in a great program like they have in the short, it’s awesome. They’ve just took off and nothing is stopping them! Somehow they’ve managed to go from a decent pair with potential to top contenders for the World title, and I’m interested to see what they have planned. (Hopefully new free program costumes for Worlds and then a new, sophisticated free program for the Olympic year!)

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