Instagram review: best photos of the week [22.01-29.01.2017]

Posted on 2017-01-29 • 6 comments


It’s Sunday and it’s time to check Instagram! Despite European Championships this week was totally about Chock and Bates) See for yourself, but first some bright and touching moments:

Simply the queen

Carolina Kostner

Vanessa James and Morgan CipresAlways by my side!!!”

Vanessa James Morgan Cipres

Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot

AlionaSavchenko Bruno Massot

Ashley Wagner and Rafael Arutyunyan “Just enjoy it” was the best thing he has ever told me.”

Ashley Wagner

Imagine how high should be the ceiling in the gym where Aliona and Bruno are training)

Aliona Savchenko Bruno MAssot

Happy Birthday Ondrej Hotarek!

Valentina Marchei Ondrej Hotarek

Even at the warm-up don’t forget about style!

Maxim Kovtun

Moving to my favorite part “Incredibly beautiful and irresistible hot” . This week it was all about Madison and Evan:

Madison Chock

Evan Bates

Madison Chock

Madison Chock Evan Bates

But they had serious competition!

Tessa Virtue

Tessa Virtue

Who needs a professional model when we have Eric Radford!

Eric Radford

Oh these men in suits! Tomas Verner:

Tomas Verner

Maxim Trankov

Maxim Trankov

Maxim Trankov

Beauty multiplied by three: Marissa, Madison and Ashley

Marissa Castelli, Madison Chock, Ashley Wagner

How did I miss the moment when Michael Christian Martinez grew up into such hot guy?!

Michel Christian Martinez

But when it comes to style no one can compete with Johnny!

Johnny Weir

Bear’s competition: Anna Pogorilaya vs Jason Brown

Anna Pogorilaya

Jason Brown

Back to chidlhood) Maia Shibutani

Maia Shibutani

Jorik and Loena Hendricks


Stay cool! See you next week)

Javier FErnandez


best photos of previous week [15.01-22.01.2017]


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6 Responses to “Instagram review: best photos of the week [22.01-29.01.2017]”

  1. Mad for Skating says:

    Carolina looks so happy! Love her.

    Vanessa and Morgan have a weird kind of relationship…I’m not sure if they love each other or hate each other!!!

    That moment with Aliona and Bruno was just priceless. I’m so happy for them. #queen And their twist is So. Freaking. High. I remember a commentator once said she could change the light bulbs while she’s up there!

    Ashley and Raf…Enjoy It. Good advice.

    Madison and Evan are so chic. Well, Madison always has been, and Evan is catching onto her game!

    Whoa Tessa! I think Carmen is getting herself a man!

    Eric is as always handsome.

    Marissa, Madi, and Ashley are the Holy Trinity of skating.

    Anna and Jason’s bears…SO CUTE!

    Baby pictures of skaters always make me smile.

    Thanks for sharing all this!

    • FS Gossips says:

      “Vanessa and Morgan have a weird kind of relationship…I’m not sure if they love each other or hate each other!!!”
      That’s what I love about this team) they’re so passionate and emotional. A firework of emotions)

      • Mad for Skating says:

        So many emotions! I think there is some tension because they both try to lead. Morgan is a cocky, macho kind of guy, and Vanessa isn’t about to get led around like a dog on a leash! It will be interesting to see if they can balance all that intensity. I wish he would be a little easier on her sometimes – it’s not easy landing quad throws! – but if they can make it work, I’m interested.

  2. jimmbboe says:

    Love these. So happy for Carolina!

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